Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Streak continues

Hi all,

As I'm sure most of you know that Sidney Crosby has a running streak of points scored in a game. His streak is at an amazing 25 games and counting with at least one point whether that be assists, or goals in a game. He kept the streak going in a big way in their game yesterday against Atlanta. In the game Crosby had 2 points scored in that game along with an assist and a goal to help the Pens pick up a big win 6-3.

The Pens season, though it got off to a rocky start has picked up as of late. They were on and impressive 13 game winning streak and then sadly it had to end to the hands of Philadelphia. The Pens quickly rebounded and got back to their winning ways. Everyone predicted that the Pens would have a great season this year with the opening of their new stadium, but no one could have predicted it going this well. They have a commanding lead in their division and also are leading the Eastern Conference.

None of this, the winning, leading the division as well as the Conference could be possible without Sidney Crosby.  The Pens have one more game against the Islanders before they play the Capitals on New Years for the Winter Classic. This is basically a home game for the Pens. It is outside where the weather will be a factor in the game for both teams. They are calling for freezing rain and snow for the duration of the game. We'll see how this affects Crosby and the Pens as well as Ovechkin and the Capitals. The puck is set to drop at 1pm eastern and I will be posting my comments to how the game went directly after so be looking for that as well. For all you Pens fans out there lets hope that the games ahead for Pittsburgh prove to be victorious as well as the streak for Sid the Kid to continue. We also hope to see Crosby pass one of the all time greats in the league Mario Lemieux who has a similar streak when he played in the league.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Streak Over

Hey all,

As I'm sure all of you have heard thanks to ESPN, Brett Favre's streak of consecutive games played ended this Monday. The man played 297 straight games, this is really impressive considering how much he gets hurt due to his age. Everyone is making a big deal that his streak is over. I know everyone, including myself, would like to see him extent it; but it just wasn't in the cards for him due to the huge hit he took last week. This hit being legal for a change and no getting a penalty or fined.

The man who took him out is a rookie, yes let that settle. Players on his team have started getting on him, joking around and giving him new nicknames. Some have called him "Streak Killer", "Legend Assassin", and many more. This comes as a shock to everyone that because Brett has played hurt almost all season. But I feel that this, the joking around, is a good thing for players. It will motivate them and give them a boost of energy, and make them want to play harder. I know the player plays for the Buffalo Bills, one of the worst teams in the league with only 3 wins this season. This joking around could lead to help the team moral and help them to improve in the win column.

The big question is, how will the Vikings bounce back if Frave is out longer than they had hoped he would be? Jackson, might be a good QB but I don't think he is good for the team right now. He proved this Monday night against the Giants. He could only lead his team to 3 points in the 21-3 beating in Detroit. Hopefully for their sake he can bounce back from that showing and lead his team to more wins this season, if he wants to take of the team next year. This is if Brett retires for good. We'll see how this set back hurts the Vikings, and can hope the team turns around and win some games, with or without Brett.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Illegal Hits

Hey all once again I'm here to say how the NFL is only cracking down on the Steelers and the "illegal" hits. In the Steelers Ravens game there was a hit on the tight end Heath Miller. This was clearly a illegal helmet to helmet hit on a defenseless receiver, even the announcers said so themselves. This penalty was not called but I guarantee that if this play was reversed and the Steelers where the ones delivering the hit then it would have been called and a fine would have been given. The NFL is proving my point week in and week out that they are only calling these hits on the Steelers and they proved it in last night Sunday Night Game. I hope the NFL will do something about this hit and the player who delivered the hit should be fined.

The rule came into effect to stop players for getting hurt and to eliminate concussions around the league. The hit last night was just that both illegal and gave the Tight End a concussions and took him out of the game. This trend cannot keep up and should not keep up in the NFL wants to still be known as a fair competitive sport. The owner of the Steelers should step in and do something about this blatant cause of action against the Steelers organization.