Friday, December 30, 2011

Pens v. Flyers

Hey All,

Sorry for the late post this week, but let's not waste any more time and get right to what everyone has been talking about in the NHL. Your Pittsburgh Penguins faced the Philadelphia Flyers on Thursday, 29th and this game was talked up and it lived up to the hype that it received.Everyone was waiting the return to Pittsburgh for the one and only Jaromir Jagr, but they would of rather him be in the black and gold and not orange and white. Another player who is making a return to the game was that one Max Talbot, who during the off-season was traded to the Flyers. Both these players would get a welcome, Talbot's was a little more welcoming then that of Jagr, every time he touched the puck he was booed. It also didn't help they all of the Pens big hitters were gunning for him every time he was on the ice. Well let's get into what happened in this game and see what the turn out was.

Within the first 30 seconds of the game the Pens were on the board and things were looking good for them. Until late in that period when Philly would answer back with a goal of their own. Things would only go down hill for the Pens from here. The game would end up 1-1 after the first intermission, but the Flyers getting that late goal would only give them the momentum going into period 2. After 6:03 into the second period Jagr would strike to give the Flyers a one goal lead. It didn't make matters any better that he would do his old Penguin celebration after this goal. At 16:11 into this period Matt Read would put another marker on the board for Philly to make the score 3-1, and that is how this period would come to a close. Momentum would still be on the Flyers side who came out and just looked better than the Pens Defensively. Philly just would not let the Pens make any type of passes in the Offensive zone, and the for check of the Flyers was on point in this game. In the 3rd period this game would become interesting and everything that the fans could have asked for. at 13:31 the Pens would answer and come within one of take back over this game. Tyler Kennedy would get the goal off the Assist from Evgeni Malkin, who have been playing great hockey when on the ice together. These two would be on an amazing scoring streak and would keep it going in this game. The Pens would later be deflated after pulling goalie Marc Andre Fleury to get the extra attacker. The Flyers D didn't let up after the Pens would close within one. They still played tough and got into the passing lanes still to take it away and bring it into their Offensive zone. At 19:35 Max Talbot would put the hammer down on this game getting the empty netter to put this game out of reach and give the W to the Flyers. This wouldn't and shouldn't affect the Pens that much as they were on a 4 game winning streak prior to this game. This is just one minor set back, and they got beat by a pretty good team. They should be able to bounce back after this loss and bring in the new year with a winning not again. I can't wait to see what the new year will bring for the Pens and I will be here to keep all of you up to date.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Steelers vs 49ers

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Steelers faced the San Fransisco 49ers on Monday Night Football, and this game had excitement before the game even got stared. Before this game could get started and even before the players could get on the field, a transformer blew up across the street, which caused the lights at Candlestick park to go out. This happened about 10 minutes before the players were going to take the field to get this game started, and caused a 30 minute delay in the game. Everyone in the media wanted to see who this delay would affect more. Would it affect the Steelers who traveled across the country, or would it affect the 49ers who should be use to this stuff but are a very young team. The last thing before we get into talking about the game is, would this delay affect Steelers QB Ben Rothlisberger who is playing with a high ankle sprain. Well let's take a look at what happened in this game and who got affected by the delay in the action.

In the first half of the game it would seem that the delay affected Big Ben who in the first quarter alone throw 2 picks. Ben hasn't thrown a pick in the first quarter of a game this entire season. This would normally be the beginning of the end for most teams, but not the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Defense of the Steelers would keep them in this game only giving up two field goals to give the 49ers a 6-0 lead going into the half. Everyone knew this was going to be a low scoring Defensive game, and the first half proved that prediction right. This game wasn't going smoothly by any means. With the first quarter coming to an end, yet again there was another power outage which put the game under yet another delay. Not good news for Pittsburgh, who are already having quarter back problems as it is. If these delays kept up then I'm not sure how Ben's ankle would hold up. Ben was gimpy as it was even with the pain medication he received before the game. The Steelers made a pretty nice look drive at the end of the first half to bring them down the field, to try and make this game go a little bit more their way. This was due to some silly mistakes made by the 9ers in the was of penalties. But had so miscommunication on one of the last plays of the drive letting a lot of time run of the clock before running a play. They were able to get into field goal range but time ran off the clock and that would be how the first half would end, with 2 field goals and 2 power outages.
In the second half, it wouldn't be much better for the Steelers. They just couldn't seem to move the ball on the 49ers. Although they were able to get a field goal on their opening drive of the second half, they really struggled in moving the ball. The Defense for the 9ers were just able to man handle the line of the Steelers, even playing with a man down at linebacker in Willis. San Fransisco was able to answer with a rare touchdown when they drove down to the red zone. They were able to do this twice during this half of football, once by the arm of Smith, and the second by the legs of Gore. It just seemed to be one mistake after the other for Pittsburgh in this critical game for them in their hunt for a division title and home field advantage. They would have had to of won this game, and win the rest of their up in coming games. But with everything that was going wrong, it just wasn't the Steelers day to play as they lost 20-3.
I think that all the pregame problems, Ben playing hurt, Harrison being suspended for his hit in the previous game, and the stout Defense of the 49ners was the problem for the Steelers. The 49ers are the hardest team to score on in the league, and it showed in this game. Let's see if the Steelers can bounce back and get the help they need to still win their division and clinch home field advantage in the playoffs, and make a run for the Super Bowl.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chiefs End Perfection

Hey All,

What a day of football we had today. They should rename today upset Sunday, because that's all that happened today were upsets. Let's start with one of the biggest upsets, and that is the Kansas City Chiefs ending the run to perfection of the Green Bay Packers. Yeah that's right this isn't a typo, the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Green Bay Packers and hand the Pack their first loss in a full calendar year. This game should have shocked the entire nation as no one saw this coming. Everyone thought that the Packers were going to come into this game, win it, and secure home field advantage throughout the playoffs. Let's take a look at the numbers for KC in this game. Kyle Orton, who is receiving his first start at a Chief, went 23-31 299 yards no TD's and no INT's. One TD was credited to running back Battle who only touched the ball 10 times today and had 37 yards rushing and the TD. Other than that the only other points came off the leg of their kicker Colquitt who went 4/4 with a long of 46 yards and the extra point on the TD. On the Packers side of things Rogers we 17-35 235 yards 1 TD and no INT's. Rogers also rushed for a TD late in the game to bring the packers with in 6 points in the game. The final in this game was 19-14 in favor of the Chiefs.
The Kansas City Chiefs did something today that no one thought would be done this season, and that is beat the Packers. Some key injuries for the Packers may of be one of the reason for the low score for the Packers. Two linemen went down today which made the Packers coaching staff to make some moves on the line. This made the Packers line weak and Rogers vulnerable to sacks and big hits. But that's not to take anything away from the Chiefs Defense which played out of their minds today, in my mind, to hold the Packers to 14 points. The thing, in my opinion, which caused that the Chiefs did that no one has done against the Packers, and that is finish the game. They played hard from the first snap of the ball and they didn't quit throughout the entire game. A game that stands out in my mind is the New York Giants who had the game wrapped up in the 4th quarter, but the Defense let Rogers and the Packers drive down the field for the game winning field goal. The Chiefs wouldn't let that happen, after losing their head coach they wanted to come out and play hard to show they still have it in them. Last don't count them out, mathematically the Chiefs are still in the playoff hunt, yes they need a lot of help, but still not out of the hunt. I would love to see them make it for a second time in two years. It would be a great thing for a historic franchise and would bring some life back to the city of Kansas City.
In other news around the league Colts win, Detroit comes back against the Raiders, and the Panthers upset the Texans. Four big games, four big upsets and you know everyone loves an underdog story, and today was their day.

Until next time readers,
You get doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports 

Pens Roll Sabers

Hey All,

Last night the Pittsburgh Penguins played the Buffalo Sabers and a bounce back performance, after being crushed by Ottawa Senators 6-4 on Friday the 16th. The Pens are playing with a depleted roster, with almost half of their star players out with injury. With having to call some players up from Wilkes-Barre to fill in the spots that are open due to these players being down. The Pens came out in this game and showed that they, though a young team with the players being called up, that they still are a power house team that can put points on the board. Pittsburgh came out and scored 4 straight goals before the Sabers got one by the goaltending of Fleury, and this was just in the 1st period alone. In the 2nd period it was all Penguins scoring 2 more to bring the score to 6-1 in favor of your Pittsburgh Penguins. The 3rd period that Sabers had a bit of life, but it was too little too late scoring two more goals, and the Pens were able to answer back with 2 of their own making the final score 8-3 for the Penguins.

The brightest star on the ice was was that of Evgeni Malkin who pulled a hat trick with his 3 goals and on top of that he had 2 assists. He was playing like a man on a mission after the embarrassing lose to the Senators just the night before. Malkin played with speed, power and precision to bring some life to a struggling Pens team. I think that without Malkin on the ice for the Pens they would not have won that game. If he goes down anytime soon this will mean bad news for a banged up Pittsburgh team. Let's hope that the Pens can get healthy and bring back the spark that Pittsburgh will need to get back on track for a great season.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Giants vs. Cowboys

Hey All,

The New York Football Giants faced the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday Night Football in a critical game for the east standings.This game would be nerve racking for the fans of both teams, as it was a back in forth battle until the very end. Both teams fought until the final tick of the clock, but in the end it was the Giants who came through and like they have 5 times this season made a fourth quarter come back. The Cowboys had a 12 point lead going into the fourth quarter and everything was looking good for the Cowboys. Eli Manning had other plans for the G men and wasn't about to let their season go down the drain. Eli had another fantastic 4th quarter and drove down the field not once, but twice to put a score on the board, including a two point conversion to give them a 3 point lead with a minute to play. But we've seen this before, just the week before to be exact, the Giants we're playing the undefeated Packers and took the lead in the fourth with a minute to go. The Giants Defense something seems to happen in the last minute of the game. My opinion is that, like most teams, they go into a prevent Defense and give up the underneath routes and yards after the catch. This gave the Cowboys enough time to get down the field and into field goal range, but the Football Giants had a time out left. With 6 seconds left on the clock the Cowboys were setting up for a last second field goal to send it into overtime. But the week before the Cowboys coach iced his own kicker and he missed it and lost the game. This time the kicker was iced but by the opposing team, after making the first one that didn't count because of a time out that was called. The second chance for the Cowboys was crushed by the player of the game in my mind, Jason Pierre-Paul. He changed his position and instead of rushing the tackle, he rushed the center, and made the block to keep the season for the Giants alive. The Giants won the game 37-34 in a very close game that in my mind at the end the Cowboys throw away. For some reason at the end of the game the Cowboys find a way to lose the game. Not to take anything away from the Giants impressive come back win over Dallas, but the Cowboys had the game in the bag a made some silly, stupid errors late in the game to lose it. If this keeps up the Cowboys will need to change things up. Weather that be with coaching change, players change, or something or another. Either way Jerry Jones should be starting to think now about what to do in the feature so that he is prepared when the time comes.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tebow Time?

Hey All,

Everyone is buzzing about the man of the year in Denver, Tim Tebow. He is trying to bring back life to an organization that has such a rich history. This is a man you want running the show for you when the games on the line. He has great stats in the fourth quarter. He has a Quarter Back Rating of 73.4% with in the last 2 minutes of the game, and in the fourth quarter 113.6% QBR. Now along with that he is  7-1 while a starter this season, bringing back the Broncos from a terrible start with Kyle Orton running the show. Now overall Tebow may not have the best looking stats on the planet, but that's not what makes him great. You can't just look at his numbers and say that he a terrible QB, he's only a running back with an arm, and he shouldn't be starting. Watch some of his game films, especially in the fourth quarter and tell me that you wouldn't want him to be the man in charge when the games on the line. I know if I was a coach or owner of a team, I would have been doing everything in my power to get him on my team, teach him the skills needed to be a starter, and shape my offense around him to make it successful. Now I know he throws the ball 15 times a game, and most would say that's not enough of a QB at the professional level. I would have to agree with that statement, but I know he runs the ball 25 times a game. That puts pressure on the running backs on the team, making them work harder to become better, so that a QB isn't out rushing them in a game. Willis McGahee is the one running back saying that his work ethic has improved since the Tebow Era started in Denver. He does not want to be out rushed by a QB. All in all Tim Tebow is a great QB in the NFL, and the best thing to happen for the Denver Broncos. He is producing wins, he brought their season back into great shape, and he may just bring them to the playoffs. If his Defense keeps him in the game and keep it close in the fourth quarter Tebow has the skills needed to get the job done and put a W in the Win column. Most people don't like him, but I on the other hand do and can't wait to see what he does for the rest of the season.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Army Navy Game

Hey All,

Sorry it's been long since the last time I've posted something, it's been a very busy week and I finally have time to post something so here we go.

This afternoon it was the great American Game Army Vs Navy. This game was a lot closer than most would think. Normally this game is mostly controlled by Navy, and Navy had no different plans this year. Navy has won the last 10 meeting between the two teams, and the overall record for all time meetings with Army Navy is 56-48-7 in favor of Navy. Navy's running attack could not be stopped, and both teams Defense were not existent. The final score in this game was 27-21 in favor of Navy. Both teams run a option style Offense which can utilize the passing game, but mostly focuses on the run. Between the two teams there was over 500 yards rushing combined. This is outstanding for a football game now a days. The triple option for Navy tore through the D of Army. With the fullback either getting the or could receive a fake and then the option will be ran. Navy needed this bust and this game is the most watched by the nation. It should be known as the great American game and especially with our country in a time of war, this is what they need. A good game between two of the countries armed forces. It brings back a sense of pride in our country, and it's nice to see when both teams go over to their fellow troops to sing their song, the apposing team comes behind them in respect. It was nice to see a change of passe with Navy winning this game, and still the respect between the two teams.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Two Close Games

Hey All,

So much to talk about and so little time. Yesterday there were two outstanding games in the world of the NHL and the NCAA college football world. Let's start out with the game that came on first, the Pittsburgh Penguins vs the Washington Capitals. This game is always exciting to watch as I'm sure it is to play. The Pens were still down a few players with injury. Letang and Michalek didn't even make the trip due to injury. Everyone thought that this game was not going to go good for the Pens being down their top two Defensmen. But the rest of the Defense stepped up their game to fill in for the missing players. Not only did the Defense step up their game, but the Offense played out of their minds. The Caps didn't even have a shot on goal until 9 minutes into the game, whereas the Pens had 8 and they even put one past the goalkeep of the Capitals. That is how the score would look until the second period where the Caps would get one past Marc Andre Fleury to tie the game at 1-1. Like I said the entire team would pick up their play to fill in for Letang's and Michalek's absence from the game. Simon Despres, a rookie in the NHL, would pick up his first ever point in the NHL. He would pick up this point on the an assist on the goal from Chris Kunitz to make the game 2-1 in favor of your Pittsburgh Penguins just 2:36 into the 3rd period. This would be the final score in last night game, but not without an amazing rush from the Caps who aren't trying to lose the second game in a row under a new head coach. This would be the case for the Caps though who have always seemed to have the Pens number in the regular season. Not last night, the Pens Defense made it happen and Fleury was outstanding between the pipes. This was what the Pens needed after a tough lose to the Rangers two nights before. I can't wait to see what happens when Letang and Michalek come back, and if the Pens can keep that level of play up.

Let's get to the second game shall we. The West Virginia Mountaineers faced the University of South Florida Bulls in a very critical game for both teams. For the Mountaineers a win against USF and a win by Cincinnati on Saturday could very well mean that WVU will win the Big East and and a chance at a BCS Bowl game. The stars will need to aline in order for this to happen. This game last night though would not be easy for WVU as a win by USF would send them to their 7th straight Bowl appearance. It was a Defensive game from the very beginning. There was no scoring in the 1st quarter of the game, but in the 2nd quarter is when the Offense for both teams took off. The Mounties got on the board first with a touchdown coming from the Defense on a pick 6. Then it was USF's turn on Offense to try and get something going, but the Mountaineers D said not today and forced them to punt. This is when the Special Teams for WVU picked up the game and blocked the punt and got the ball on the 10 yard line. The D of the Bulls said now it's our turn to say no, and forced a field goal from the Mounties. They would later get one more to go up 13-0 and then they would give up a TD on a spectacular catch in the end zone. At the half the Mountaineers were up 13-7 at the half. After the half USF would drive again and pick up yet another field goal, but trouble would come back around for the Bulls on the next kickoff. Austin would take the next kickoff back for a touchdown and keep the D on the field. At the end of the 3rd it was 20-13 in favor of the Neers. The game would get crazy as the Bulls would come back and take the lead 27-20 with not a lot of time left on the clock. The Mounties would come back and tie it though with under 3:00 minutes to go. The Mountaineers would stop USF for the last time with 1:13 left to go on the clock, and get the ball back and drive down the field with no timeouts left. With just seconds left on a 4th and 10 WVU's Geno Smith would connect with Bailey well inside the range of the kicker. They would set up and spike the ball with 3 seconds left. They get everything set up and the kick put it through the uprights with no time left on the clock. You couldn't have asked for a better finish and a better way to end the regular season for the Mounties. Now they just need to hope that the Barecats of Cincinnati to pick up the victory against UConn Saturday and put WVU into a BCS Bowl Game.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.