Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dez is Loyal?

Hey All,

Became known to me that Dez Bryant said he would retire a Cowboy, but don't test his loyalty. This can become very confusing to not only his team, but all the other teams in the league. He's in his final year of his rookie contract and wanted an extention before the season started, but the two sides couldn't come close to a deal.

Now I think Dez is a great receiver, but has a bit of an attitude problem. That will hurt his value just a bit. I think the Cowboys would be very stupid if they ever got rid of him. He is definitely their #1 WR, and Romo's favorite target. You can't get rid of him, it just doesn't make sense. Plus it would hurt your team no matter who you get for him.

To read more, check out the link below

Dez Bryant: 'Don't test my loyalty'

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pens Star Out 4 Weeks

Hey All,

Penguins Defenseman Matta will be expected to miss 4 Weeks after undergoing surgery to remove a tumor off of his thyroid gland. Doctors say that there is a 85% chance that it is cancerous and I know me and Pens fans will be hope for the other 15% to be true.

To read more check out the link below.

NHL Power Rankings: B/R Experts' Week 4 Poll | Bleacher Report (via

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 2 in The NFL

Hey All,

This week in the NFL was crazy to say the least. We had major upsets, games go down to the wire, and more on the issues with players and not knowing how to act in the NFL this week. The week started out on a tough note with another player being charged with a crime. Adrian Peterson was charged with beating his 4 year old son. So yet another case of abuse with a player in the NFL. Now I have some mix feelings on this one, like I did with Ray Rice.

Peterson says he was not trying to harm his son in that way, rather discipline him. Now this is where I have mixed feelings. I'm all for disciplining your children, however its a gray area here. Yes kids need discipline, yes it's okay to do so, but no it's not okay to leave the marks that he did on his son. Now I get his point and I get the NFL's point in deactivating him for this weeks game. AP may have took it too far, but does that mean he shouldn't be charged? I think I'll let the NFL handle this one and see where the investigation goes.

Now to get to some football. This weeks games started off on Thursday with the Divisional rivals taken on one another. The Pittsburgh Steelers went to Baltimore to take on the Ravens. Now this game should have been a lot closer then it was. The Ravens beat the Steelers 26-6 and the Steelers didn't even look like they knew there was a game going on. Now I am a Steelers fan, as they are my home town team, but I can admit that we no longer have a defense that is worth talking about. I get that they are younger now, but that doesn't mean that they should look this bad. It was bad enough that they let Cleveland come back and take them down to the wire, after going up 24-0 is outrageous to me. They got lit up and now need to get ready for next week and hope they can pull off a win.

Well that got the ball rolling for an exciting week of football. Now not all the games were as bad as the Thursday nighter in Baltimore, as there were some games that went down to the wire. Take the Bucs and Rams for example, a game that shouldn't have been as close as it was, because Tampa's D is revamped and the Rams are down their starting QB for the year. This game ended on a questionable note for the Bucs, as Rookie Wide Receiver Mike Evans got hurt after catching a pass that put the Bucs in field goal rang to win the game. But since he was hurt, and the training staff came onto the field, and they didn't have any time outs left, by rule a 10 second run off of the clock had to happen. This ended the game and the Rams went on to win 19-17.

The Sunday Night game was a flag fest to say the least. San Francisco had 11 team penalties in the first half, by themselves. It made the game very hard to watch. It seemed like there was a flag every other play, and it slowed the game down way too much. Now I feel if there is a penalty, call it, but when it's getting as bad as the 49ers-Bears game got, it's too much. I hate this new enforcement of the rule that you cannot touch a WR after 5 yards. They've always been lacks on this rule, and I get it you need to enforce the rule, but com'on man this is ridiculous. Let them play and let them do their jobs. This rule, so that everybody knows, was put in place because of Seahawk's defense. They basically cheated their way to the Super Bowl. They did so by grabbing receivers down the field, past 5 yards, so they couldn't get open. So the league took a look at this and now we get to deal with all the flags that are being thrown by the refs.

The week would conclude with an exciting match up, on paper, on Monday Night between the Colts and Eagles. Now this game was suppose to be more Eagles and less Colts because the Colts D is beat up. To top it off not a lot of teams can keep up with the up tempo offense of Philly. They run a play every 21 seconds. Very hard to prepare for and you can't make the proper substitutions. Plus it forces you to run 1 or 2 defenses, which QB's in the NFL live for. Any of them can eat up a D doing that. That wasn't the case in this game. Indy came out and was ready to play and yes they gave up some big pass plays to the Eagles, but they stopped them when it mattered. They didn't allow them to score a single touchdown in the first half. Stuffing them in the red zone. They were able to manage 2 field goals to put some points on the board.

They went into the half down 17-6 because Indy's offense, and Andrew Luck, was just too much to handle. They went old school on Philly. Straight pounded the ball down their throats, by running both backs equally. Trent Richardson and Ahmad Bradshaw, two very powerful backs who can also make you miss. They continued to do so in the second half, but the Philly D was ready for it this time. Stopping them a few more times then they did in the first half, but it wasn't good enough. 

The Colts came out and were worse then how they looked in the first half. They didn't make any half time adjustments. They were flat, tried to run the same plays as in the first half, and didn't look ready for the adjustments that the Eagles made. 

The Eagles on the other hand came out and was ready for the Colts D. They looked like a team they were on paper. They were flying around and were very hard to tackle. They came back from 14 points down in the 3rd quarter to beat the Colts 30-27 on a late field goal and some questionable calls by the refs. 

And that's how the game would end. Just how we all thought, though maybe not that close, with the Eagles winning. Even thought this is the first time Andrew Luck hasn't lost 2 games in a row in the NFL. 

That's how week 2 ended, and with all the injuries this week, I can't wait to see how next week.goes. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up-to-date with everything sports 

FBS Rankings

Hey All,

If you're like me, you love college football and want to know what's going on with it. Well my friends that is what I'm here for. I'll be keeping you up-to-date with info as soon as it's known to me.

Now week 3 in the college football season was crazy. There's still 33 unbeaten teams out of 108 total FBS teams. This is a crazy number. Now there are some teams that stayed and climbed the rankings, and there are others that took a nose dive. Also there are some teams, you wouldn't expect to be close to the top 25, that are almost in the hunt for the playoff. I can't wait to see what happens in week 4 and will keep you up-to-date as soon as I get the info.

To read more check out the link at the bottom of the page.

Others Receiving Votes (via

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up-to-date with everything sports

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ray Rice

Hey All,

Now I told myself that I wouldn't do this, but in light of everything that is going on I have to give y'all my take on Ray Rice. Even though everything that is going on makes me sick, and I hate what he did. I am a firm believer that you should never hit a women, EVER! I hate people that do, and think they deserve the most stern and strict punishment. Ray Rice got just that.

Everyone has seen the video, so there's no need for me to go on about talking about it. What he did was the worst act I've seen out of a man in a long time. What gets me the most is that she still married him. That part just blows my mind. There is only one thing that I can think of, for why she married him. I think she is in it for his money. Now I know everyone is going to get on me about it, but I do not care. What women in her right mind would marry a man, who does that to her? Unless that man has Oh I don't know $28 Million. I think everyone can put the pieces together on why she is staying with him, and sticking up for him.

Now onto the fact that everyone is saying that Rodger Goodell had the video back in April. Now if that is true I believe that he would have gave him WAY more then just a 2 game suspension. Goodell is the one person who hands down punishments as they are needed. He is the commissioner of the league for a reason. Now given I thought the 2 game suspension was weak even before the video inside the elevator got released to the media. I thought he should have gotten at least 6 games, but I digress.

This new punishment is right, a indefinite suspension at this point in time is the right thing for the crime at hand. I don't think he will ever play in the NFL again. I think he will appeal the suspension at the end of this year, and or after the investigation is over. I think no matter what he is going to have some tough times ahead of him. I do wish him the best and hope everything works out for him, but that doesn't mean that I agree with what he did by any means. I just hope due process will be given and it will be the fairest trial/investigation that it can be.

I hope this post doesn't offend anyone, but I had to. I know I don't post as much as I would like to, or as much as you would like me to. But when it comes to this case I had to put something out there. Everyone who has stuck up for Ray Rice has there opinions just like I do, and I think they should be left out of it. I get it people make mistakes, and Ray Rice made the biggest one he could ever have for his career.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pirates and Dimondbacks Drama

Hey All,

I know I haven't been on here much this year with my blog, and for the I apologize. Just been busy with a bunch of other stuff. But never fear, I'm back and better than ever, and boy do I have a good one for you folks tonight. Late last week the Pirates took on the Diamondback's in Arizona, and boy did sparks start to fly. It all got started on Friday and then got worse from there. There was late game missed calls, players being beamed, and managers getting tossed. This isn't enough for me though. I feel that more fines should be held to the Diamondbacks organization for what they did in Saturday's game.

To be fair in the matter at hand, this case started on Friday night in the 9th inning of the game. Pirate Pitcher Ernesto Frieri plunked D-backs All-Star Paul Goldschmidt on the hand fracturing it. This only becomes significant because he is behind Andrew McCutchen in the NL MVP race. Goldschmidt is more than likely going to miss the rest of the regular season because of his hand and is about 95% chance he is out of the race for NL MVP.

Now let's flash to Saturday's game all the way to the 9th inning, yet again. This time D-Backs pitcher Randall Delgado drills Andrew McCutchen in the small of his back with a 95 MPH Fastball. Now most would think it's retaliation, and you would be right. But, there is a bit of principle here. Now, if McCutchen would have just gotten hit by a pitch, I'd be okay with this and wouldn't be writing this. That wasn't the case on Saturday. Now had this beaming happen in the first inning, the second inning, hell I'd even take the third inning there would be no problem. This happened in the 9th inning, they waited the entire game, and that's not right. Not only that, but the sign that was given to Delgado was really obvious as to what was going to happen.

Delgado got a sign that was a middle finger pointed down, and then pointed right to McCutchen. This was after the Catcher looked at the coach for the call. So this came from the Manager. Now, the Manager had been tossed earlier in the game for making a big scene with Martin after Friday's night game, and then getting into it with the Umps after a questionable call in Saturday's game. So it came from back up Manager, or was called in from the club house. Either way this call came from the bench, and wasn't just the players doing this on their own.  

The one major problem that I have with these actions is NOTHING was done about it. Even McCutchen, who typically keeps his cool had something to say. “They had all game to retaliate. They had the first inning to retaliate. They had the first pitch (of the ninth inning at-bat) to retaliate. They missed. You throw a slider on the second pitch and then you throw up and in on the next pitch. Are you trying to hurt me too? That’s the question…. We understand that retaliation is going to happen in this game. But you know, there’s a right way to do it. If you’re going to hit me, hit me. He hit me square in the spine. If I get hurt, what happens then?”

I couldn't have said this better myself. Something needs to happen to the Diamondbacks origination. Fines, suspensions, or a combination of the two, no matter what, something needs to be done by MLB. This is getting out of hand. Someone is going to get hurt, and this late in the season, it could case a team to miss the postseason. If I had my way, the Pitcher Delgado, the Catcher who put the sign up, and both Manager, and acting Manager at the time should all be fined, and all be suspend for their actions. Not only was it classless, but it was uncalled for. This could have very well ended Cutchen's season as well as his career. The ball did hit him right in the spin. The league needs to do something and it needs to do something quick. I mean hell, it's already Tuesday night, and nothing has happened yet. How long do we have to wait for a punishment? Sure shouldn't be this long, and I won't rest until something is done.

Until Next Time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Try to Control Johnny Football

Hey All,

Today the Browns said no to the media being at the first practice the team held. They did this to keep the hype down from Johnny Manziel and him being drafted to the team.

All I can say to the Browns is good luck.

To read more check out the link from my good friends at ESPN at the bottom of the page.

Johnny Manziel on field with Browns -via SportsCenter

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Punches in Pittsburgh Punishment

Hey All,

I'm sure If you've watched Sports Center you've seen the bench clearing brawl between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Pittsbugh Pirates. This all started after Gomez and Cole had words after Gomez hit a triple off of Cole.
Today the league handed out the punishment. There were four players involved, and ESPN has more on this story.

Carlos Gomez suspended 3 games -via SportsCenter

After these suspensions were handed out, Gomez, Snider, and Martin are appealing their suspensions. I think this is a great move for Snider and Martin, not so much Gomez. I feel this way because Snider and Martin were sticking up for their pitcher Cole. Not to mention that Snyder got drilled by a Brewer defending Cole, Martin was just out there to support his teammates, but Gomez started the whole thing by being cocky. 

I don't think the suspensions are just. For one, Gomez deserves more than a 5 game suspension. He is a repeat offender, who said in his statement after the game "That's how I play, if they don't like it then they don't like it." He's telling everyone he's not going to stop with his attitude on the field, and basically start more bench clearing brawls on the diamond. 

Second Martin shouldn't get a suspension for defending a fellow teammate, and Snider got blasted in the face and taken out by another Brewer, again for defending his pitcher. There is no reason for these two to have a suspension, but Gomez needs more than 5 games for this. What is 5 games? Like a series and a half, in the beginning of the season? Who cares about that? It means nothing. I say a full week of games worth of suspensions. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

Monday, April 14, 2014

Phelps Comes Out of Retirement

Hey All,

Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite sports, mainly because it's the one I competed at in college, and that's swimming. Yes, I know it's not the most glorious one in the sports world, but it can be very entertaining. One of the biggest figures in the sport will be coming out of retirement, Michael Phelps will be coming back to the swimming world and will be looking forward to Rio in 2016.

Phelps will be swimming on April 24-26th in the Arena Grand Prix in Mesa, Ariz. This will be the 22-time Olympic medalist's first time competing since the London Games in 2012. He will join such swimming stars as Ryan Lochte and Katie Ledecky in the Grand Prix this all according to USA TODAY sports.

"As of today, I definitely expect him to swim," Phelps' longtime coach Bob Bowman told USA TODAY Sports by phone Monday. "We're looking forward to it. I think it'll be great for the sport to have Michael compete again. We really don't have any expectations for what might happen. We just want to have some fun with it and see how it goes." Also according to coach Bowman, Phelps has entered into the 100-meter butterfly and the 100-meter freestyle.

"Those are both on the first day, and he'll probably try both of those (preliminaries) in the morning, see how it goes, and maybe do one final if he gets to the finals," Bowman said. "The next day, he's entered (in the 50 free) and will probably do a 50 butterfly. We don't know yet. After this, we can decide what he wants to do next."

All of this isn't that much of a surprise to any in the swimming world, as Michael was taking all the steps needed to compete again at swimming. He went as far, in the last year, as he rejoined the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's drug testing pool last year. Along with that he upped his training over the last year which lead most to believe he would try and make a comeback.

"It's historic, it's going to be a media spectacle," Mesa Aquatics Club CEO Paul Smith said. "No other venue has the same feel and proximity to the action as ours. It's going to be thrilling regardless of what shape he (Phelps) is in. There's something about being at pool level that is energizing."

"This meet happens to be at the right time," Bowman said. "He's eligible to swim in a meet, and he thought it might be fun to do one. We heard this was a great meet. I don't think it was something we had targeted; it came up at the right time."

I think people may look into these quotes too much. They will probably say that he (Phelps) won't even think about the Olympics in Rio in 2016, but this shouldn't not be a surprise either. Phelps and Bowman denied that Phelps was even going to swim in this meet in April, this was all said a month ago. Now I know people may change their minds, but I don't think it could happen that quick. This is something the two have been thinking about for a long time.

I'm excited to see what happens in the meet on  24-26th and will keep you up to date with everything that goes on from here on out.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, April 7, 2014

KD Passes MJ

Hey All,

Last night Kevin Durant passed one of the games best player. Durant past Michael Jordan's point streak for most consecutive 25+ points in a game. To read more about the game, check out the link below thanks to ESPN.

Suns hold off Thunder to take 1-game lead for West's 8th spot -via SportsCenter

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Two Game, Two Extra Innings Walk Offs

Hey All,

Well it's official, the baseball season is upon us, and boy did it get off to great start. A lot of teams seemed to look like there was no layoff from the Winter season. They jumped right back into things like there was no offseason. One of the teams is the Pittsburgh Pirates. They are playing some great baseball right now, like they did last season. The pitching is right where it was last season, even after losing their ace A.J. Burnett to the Phillies. The hitting is right where it was when the season ended last year, with maybe a few cobwebs that need beaten off, but who doesn't need to do that. It seems like the only way to go for the Pirates, is up.

The season got underway this past Monday March 30th with opening day against the Cubs. This game was a pitchers duel throughout the entire game, as it was 0-0 going into the 9th inning. Neither team could buy of run in this game because of the pitching. Francisco Liriano pitched a gem on opening day. He went 6 innings with only few hits and 10 K's. He is one of few Pirates who had double digit strikeouts on opening day. Though Liriano didn't get the win on opening day you still can't say that he didn't deserve a win, if only he got a little run support. The Bucs were able to get a win in the bottom of the 10th inning on a Neil Walker walk off home run. This is Walker's first walk off home run ever, and it just so happen to happen on opening day in Pittsburgh.

Yesterday, Wednesday April 2nd, the Bucs had their hands full with the Cubs yet again. Only this time, there was a lot more runs scored, and innings played. This game had a lot of excitement with run support, as well as pitching. This game was 2-1 in favor of the Bucs in the top of the 9th. This meant it was time for the closer. Jason Grilli was called in to close the game out, and I thought it was a done deal. Well, the Cubs had other plans. They were able to get a run and stop Grilli from getting his first save of the season. This meant that the Bucs were going into extras for the second time in as many games. This hasn't happened since 1964 that the Bucs had to go into extras two times in two games, and oddly enough, it was against the Cubs.

This game though, wouldn't just go 10 innings, it would go 16 innings and had just as much excitement. In the 12th inning, the Cubs were able to take the lead 3-2 and it looked like the Bucs were going to lose this game. Well, they had other plans. They were able to get another run off the bat of Marte, and no one was able to get a run until the 16th inning. The Bucs looked like they weren't going to make it out of the 16th and the game was going to go into the 17th, but Tony Sanchez had other plans. With runners on the corners and a full count, Sanchez had one pitch left to face. He was able to slap a ball into left and score Marte from third. This was just as exciting as Walkers, because this was also Sanchez's first career walk off RBI.

This is a great start for the Pirates, and lets everyone know that they are no joke and are here to contend. The bullpen has been able to hold down the fort like they did all of last season. The hitting and the defense has been there like it was last season. The only thing that I see is room for more improvement. They are only going to get better from this point on, and I can't wait to see how this season turns out.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Pens Loss Close One

Hey All,

Last night, Thursday March 27th, the Pittsburgh Penguins took on the Los Angeles Kings, and this game had a lot riding on it. The game was nicknamed the battle for 8. If Pittsburgh won, they would have cliched a spot in the playoffs for the 8th straight year. If the Kings won, they would have won their 8th straight road game. This game didn't disappoint.

Neither team started their starting goaltender, Jeff Zatkoff for the Pens and Martin Jones for the Kings. Both goaltenders have been playing very well as of late. Zatkoff actually has the same save percentage as starting goaltender Marc Andre Fleury at .915, and giving up 2.58 goals per game.

Now I know everyone has been down on Zatkoff as of late, but what you fail to know is he's a rookie. Not only is he a rookie, he is playing just as well as any starting goaltender in the league. Most people would kill for a goaltender with a .915 save percentage. Not only that he is 11-4-2 in his last 17 games, and in that has recorded a shutout. Now all that doesn't sound like a guy "playing bad".

Okay enough of that rant, let's get to how this game went down. Unfortunately, for the Pens anyways, the Los Angeles Kings extended their winning streak to 5 games, and won their 8th straight road game. They were also able to keep the Pens for clinching a Playoff berth. Kings defenseman Drew Doughty scored the game-winner in the third to give the Kings a 3-2 win. Doughty's goal wouldn't have been possible without the assist from Dustin Brown.

Now this game had a lot of controversy, and it didn't end well for the Pens. Forward Brandon Sutter should have had the tying goal, but was called off due to "goaltender interference". All he did was cash the net after a shot, to get the rebound, he did so and was able to push the puck into the net, and then the net came off the pegs. Now by rule if you disallow the goaltender room to make the save and or get in the way of his progress it is goaltender interference. Non of that happened on this play. Sutter crashed the net and got all puck and pushed it into the net, like every player does. What the refs missed was Doughty cross checking Sutter 3 times which caused the "goaltender interference".  Therefore the goal should have been allowed, the game should have been tied, and went into overtime.

Non of the above happened, and the Pens lost the game. They weren't able to clinch a playoff spot last night, but have all the opportunity to do so tonight when they play the Columbus Blue Jackets. The Jackets aren't best team in the league, but they still will give the Pens a run for the Playoff spot. Not that they will take the spot away from the Pens, but they could stop them from not clinching again. I don't think that will happen. Then Pens are playing mad now with the events that went down last night. It showed in the last few minutes of the game after the "goaltender interference" call. They played well last night, and had a lot of speed to there game in the beginning of the game. Near the end of the game they got physical, and I expect that physical play to continue until they have the spot clinched, and well after and into the playoffs. They have something to prove. All good teams go though a phase where they struggle to make playoffs and contend for a Stanley Cup. Everyone is starting to say that about the Pens, and I don't think they like that very much. They are one of the best teams in the league, and they are slumping right now, but will get back to Stanley Cup form starting tonight.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sanchez Found A New Team

Hey All,

A little late night update for you guys. I have heard a rumor that the Egales may have found a third quarterback for their team. Mark Sanchez and the Egales are close to a deal and he will be thrown into the QB battle.

You can read more here:

Eagles likely to sign Mark Sanchez -via SportsCenter

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Tiger Questionable With Back Problems

Hey All,

Yesterday Tiger Woods was asked about his back, and weather or not he would be able to go for the Master's which is coming up in a few weeks. Tiger has been dealing with a back problem for a few weeks now, and has gave him his worst start in his 18 year career. He has 4 starts this season, but only has 2 complete rounds played. He even had to withdraw from the Honda Classic with back spasms, and before he even played a single hole at the Arnold Palmer Classic.

"For Augusta, it's actually still a little too soon, to be honest with you," Woods said Monday at a news conference to announce that Quicken Loans is the New title sponsor of his golf tournament. "That's kind of the frustrating thing about this."

The Master's is the only tournament that Tiger has never missed in his 18 years of the tour. The tournament isn't for another 2 weeks, so Tiger has a good bit of time to get himself ready. He's even gone as far as giving his back a full weeks worth of rest with treatment, and it still gave him an issue during a tournament.

I think that if Woods gives his back a full 2 weeks worth of rest, along with treatment, he will be ready for the Master's. I really don't see him missing this tournament, all though it's still possible if his back just simply doesn't get any better.

Even though his back is an issue right now, Woods will play in this tournament, in my opinion. Even if that means he has to drop out again because of his back. Though it's still too early to tell, I'm going to be optimistic with this being the only tourney he hasn't missed. Things, like Tiger said himself, are just too early to tell. So I will keep you up to date as soon as I hear anything.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Opening Day is Almost Here

Hey All,

As I'm sure most of you know, the baseball season is about to get underway. Spring training is almost to a close, and the teams are about to get out of their camps, and into their home stadiums. A lot of the teams have made some strides in Spring Training, and others picked up right where they left off. 

The one team I will be talking about today, and for most of the season, is the Pittsburgh Pirates. Yes, because they are my favorite team, and yes they are also my hometown team. Along with that they are one of the least recognized teams in the league, and don't get the respect that they deserve. So, that is why I'm here. To give them the recognition that they rightfully deserve. 

They went into Spring Training coming off of their best season in a very long time. Roughly around 21 years of being under .500 and not even coming close to the postseason. Now that's all changed. They had a winning season and made it past the opening round of the playoffs last season, and things are looking up for the Battling Bucco's. 

They are returning most of their starters from last year, and have made great moves in their farm leagues. The pitching staff is right where it left off, minus the work of A.J. Burnett, who has retired after a long a successful career. Pittsburgh has made the necessary moves to fill the void of the Ace. The only problem is, they have too much talent and not enough roster spots. There just isn't enough room at the table for everyone, and a lot of quality guys will be moving down to AAA Indianapolis.  For example, left handed pitcher (LHP) Michael Schlereth, son of former NFL great and ESPN Analysis Mark Schlereth. Schlereth hasn't given up a run this Spring Training, yet he was told that, even though he's had a great Spring Training, there just isn't room in the bullpen for him.

Now even though he won't be moved up with the club, that doesn't mean that he won't get a chance to play for the team this year. Baseball is a very long season, and you just simply can't predict injuries, trades, or anything else that could effect a player this year. I'm almost certain that Michael will be playing for the team at some point in time this season. 

The Pirates will have their home opener, as well as opening day, on March 31 and I can't wait to see what they bring to the table this year. I have all the faith in the world that the Pirates will be a contender this year and will make a strong run through the postseason. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Peavy Cuts Finger in Accident

Hey All,

Boston Red Sox pitcher Jake Peavy, who was scheduled to start tomorrow in Florida, was scratched after he cut his finger on his non throwing hand with a fishing knife on Saturday. This was all said by manager John Farrell. Farrell also went on to say that the accident happened where Peavy is staying in Florida, and that Peavy had a procedure Sunday. 

"He's going to be 'no-throw' for three days and then initiate a throwing program off the mound," Farrell said. "It's his non-throwing hand, so he can keep his arm in shape, but he's a scratch for tomorrow." 

Since Peavy cannot go, Brandon Workman will get the start against the Pirates instead. The plan for the Red Sox was for all of their veteran starters to get 5 starts in spring training. Since Peavy will have to miss this start, it's uncertain if he's going to be able to keep that schedule. Farrell said that since this injury is on his glove hand, they would be able to pad the finger to give it added protection for when he does return. 

This isn't the worst news that the Red Sox have had to go through, considering what they went through last season, and I think they turned out all right. After all, this is only spring training, and it's a very long season. Since this injury didn't accrue to his throwing hand, there really isn't any means to freak out about this one. 

The Red Sox have been through a lot, and have turned it around in the past few years. Espically with all the short comings to the Yankees, and the rest of their devision, I think they will have a very good chance at the post season again. Seeing how they were able to handle the Orioles today, winning by a score of 8-6 on 12 hits, and only gave up 9 on the other end. Yes I know that in spring training, up to this point, they are 1-2 and took down a team that was 2-0. This is  a good sign that they are able to play with this big boys. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Pens-Hawks to Be Postponed

Hey All,

As most of you would know, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Chicago Blackhawks are scheduled to play an outdoor game at Solider Field Saturday, but weather may play a factor in if it's played or postponed. There is suppose to be a huge snow storm coming through the East Coast over the weekend. A storm that could bring up to 6-12 inches of snow. Also with the snow, it could bring winds and cold temperatures, but everyone is in high hopes that the game will go off as scheduled.

"It would have to make it unsafe, either too cold in terms of medical concerns or if it was such that the ice wasn't able to be kept appropriately so that it would be safe for the players," Bettman said.

If the game is moved, however, it wouldn't be moved far. Neither team has a game until Tuesday, therefore the game just as well could be played on Sunday or even Monday. Bettman says there's lots of plan B's but would really not want to go to them.

To read more, click the link below.

League could postpone Hawks-Pens -via SportsCenter

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Great American Race is Back

Hey All,

With all the hype about the Olympics, as there should be, everyone seems to forget about everything else that is going on in the world of sports. Well, not this guy. I'm here to let all my racing fans know that the season is about to get under way with the biggest race of the season, The Daytona 500. This race has more hype about it for one reason, and one reason only. The No. 3 car is back on the track in Sprint Cup. Yes, that's right, the famous number drove by legendary driver Dale Earnhardt Sr will be back on the track this coming Sunday.

Now, to most this may not seem like a big deal, but to any real racing fan, this is a monumental day in the Sport. Driver Austin Dillon, last years Nationwide Champion, will take the No. 3 out onto the Sprint Cup Circuit for the first time since that fatal crash, on this track, in 2001. The crash that took one of the most famed drivers life and a legend in the sport.

Car owner Richard Childress sees no problem putting his grandson, Austin Dillon, behind the wheel of this car, and neither does Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr has gone on record saying that if Dillon ever made it to the Sprint cup, that he would have no problem with the No. 3 out on the track again. Dillon, like most would believe, is more than excited to race not only in the No. 3, but in the Sprint Cup full time this season. It's not about the legacy behind the number, it's about building his own legacy with that number. No, he doesn't want anyone to forget what Dale Sr. did in the car, but he wants people to see what he can do in that car.

Dillon has won Championships with that number in the Truck Series, the Nationwide Series last year, and is looking to build and try and win a Championship in the Sprint Cup with that number. He is off to a very good start this year, winning the pole for the 500 with Martin Truex Jr. to his outside. But starting out front doesn't always mean you are guaranteed a good finish at this race, but it doesn't hurt your chances either. We saw this very thing last year when Danica Patrick won the pole, and didn't have a strong run.

All in all this is going to be a very exciting race like it is every year. I just am going to get tired of hearing the media blow up about the number 3 being on the track again. I think all Austin Dillon has to do is finish strong and show that it's not about who had the number before him, but rather it's about who has it now.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

US Grabs First Gold of the Olympics

Hey All,

As I'm sure all of you have been trying to follow the Olympic Games with the 9 hour time difference. If you aren't able to do so, never fear, that's what I'm here for. I've been doing my best as well to stay up to date with everything that's going on with the games. I've done as much as to have them on my TV and steaming live to my tablet. Yes, I know I'm an over-achiever. But enough about me, let's get to the Games.

On a crisp day U.S. Snowboarder Sage Kotsenburg was the first to grab a Gold Medal in these 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. Kotsenburg was able to win in the Slopestyle event in it's first year as an Olympic event. This makes it a bigger win, not only because it's the Gold, but because it's a Gold in a band new event. When he was asked about the Gold he had this to say, “I have no idea what's actually going on. This is the craziest thing that ever happened,” Kotsenburg said.

This just shows how amazing it is, to all the athletes, to win in any of these events. It will possibly mean more now, because the Medal count is so close. In the lead with 4 total Medals, 2 Gold a Silver and a Bronze, is Norway. They did so today by sweeping the 5000 meter Speed Skating today. Canada and Netherlands are tied with 3 total Medals, one of each, and the U.S. are in fourth with 2 Medals, one Gold and one Bronze.

This Olympics is the closest, in the Medals, that I've ever seen before. This could be anyone's Games to take in the form of the Medals. With the United States 230 Athletes, that they have in the Games, are all hungry for a Medal this year, and are poised to take one.

I will be doing my best to keep everyone up to date with where competitors are finishing, how USA is doing obviously, and keeping you up to date with the Medal count as well.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

2014 Olympic Games Get Under Way

Hey All,

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but never fear, I'm back and plan on staying back this time. Today I will be talking about something that doesn't happen but every four years. Yes, that's right I'm talking about the Olympic Games. I personally love the Olympics. All the countries getting together, on one stage, to decide who is the best, essentially.

The games got under way today, Thursday February 6th 2014, and due to time zone changes some events actually have finished up. Here in the states we won't get to see the what happens until it's in Prime Time. The games will come on at 8 o'clock eastern time. But luck for you I'm here to give you results before they air. Now I know you can find all this out yourself by sitting on Google and searching the Olympic games, but who has time to go through all of that, besides me?

There were 5 events that have official results as of this moment. Those event are as followed: Team Pairs Short Program, Team Men Short Program, Ladies' Moguls Qualification 1, Ladies' Slopestyle Qualification, and Men's Slopestyle Qualification.

In the Men's Slopestyle Qualifications there were a grand total of 8 Men who already qualified for the finals based on there scores. Non of these 8 men were American. The 8 Men who are in the finals are: Norwegian Staale Sandbech, Finland Peetu Piroinen, Canadian Sebastien Toutant, Great Britain Jamie Nicholls, Canadian Maxence Parrot, Finland's Roope Tonteri, Sweed Sven Thorgren, and Norwegian Gjermund Braaten. The best score out of the bunch was that of Sandbech, who put up a score of 94.50 the closest man to him was Piiroinen with a 90.75. The loan American in the the event Charles Guldemond did qualify for the semis with a best score of an 86.00. This happened in his second run which put him in the 5th position, score wise, as of right now.

To save everyone some time in reading this, and not to give to much away from the games, I will only be telling you how the American's did in the remaining 4 sports.

On to Women's Slopestyle there were four American's in the event and all four did exceptional. Two of which already has qualified for the finals. Jamie Anderson posted a score of 93.50 and gave her a good enough to get her into the finals. The other American to qualify for the finals, Karly Shorr, posted a score of 84.75. Jessika Jenson and Ty Walker both qualified for the semis, but Walker worries me a bit. She only posted a score of 1 on her first run, but did not start (DNS) for her second run. Jenson, on the other hand, only was able to post a score of 58.50. So, if I was to pick two out of the four that I like, it would be the two that don't even to have a run in the Semis.

That will do it for the Snowboarding events for the day. Now let's get to the only Skiing event for the day, and that is the Ladies' Moguls Qualification 1. Out of the 30 ladies' who participated in this event only 10 could make it to the second round of Qualifying. Those 10 are as follows: Amarican Hannah Kearney, Canadians Chloe Dufour-Lapointe and Justine Dufour-Lapointe, American Eliza Outtrim, French Perrine Laffont, KAZ Tulia Galysheva, Japan's Aiko Uemura Canadians Maxime Dufour-Lapointe and Audrey Robichaud, and Russian Regian Rakhimova. The women who posted the best time for the score would be American Kearney, with a score of 23.05. The other American in the second round of qualifying, Outtrim put up a score of 21.51. So both look good to make the finals in this event.

Men's and Women's Figure Skating are the last two events I will be talking about. In the Team Men Short Program the American Jeremy Abbott put up a score of 65.65 which was only good enough for 7th out of 10. This got America 4 points towards there team results. The Women did a bit better putting up a score of 64.25, which was good enough for 5th out of 10, and gave America 6 points towards there team score. The paring of Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir are the two who put up that score.

This will do it for the Olympic Events for the day. I hope this post doesn't ruin the games for any of you, but I also hope that it sparks your interest for the games tonight at 8pm Eastern Time.

As always, You keep doing what you do,
And I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.