Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey all,

Little bit of a change of pace as we getting rolling here into baseball season. I know it's been the regular season for a while know but I have found something interesting enough, to me anyways, that I felt needed to be put out there. That is my 2 favorite teams, the Pittsburgh Pirates, and the Boston Red Sox's, both are having quite the surprising start to the season. The Pirates have had a better surprise, if you will, making it to .500 for the first time since 2004, while the Red Sox's have just made it to .500 this season with their sweep of the New York Yankee's. Even though Boston got off to a rocky start, so to speak, with their sweep of the Yanks that puts them 3.5 games behind the division rival the Tampa Bay Rays. Also they are one game back from their all time rival the Yankee's. Boston has picked it up as of late, and are starting to get back into their winning ways.

Now to the Pirates. It's safe to say that the Pittsburgh Pirates are having a good year, but like always they hit a rut like they do every year. They actually have something in common with the Yankee's this year. As of right now both the Pirates and the Yankees are on 6 game losing streaks. Which has had equally the same affect of both teams. The Yankees got knocked out of first place in their division, and the Pirates of dropped to next to last. Pittsburgh is 5.5 games back from the rolling Cincinnati Reds. Between the Reds and the Cardinals, picking the NL Central is going to be a tough pick. Both teams are having great years and are continuing to bring the heat if you will.   

If you ask me I think the Pirates, though losing tonight to the Washington Nationals, if they can pull it together can make a run for the NL Central. They just need to dig deep, find the way they were playing to get them to .500, and stop trading all their good players away to the Red Sox's and Yankees, and they should be fine. They were once one of the biggest teams in baseball, and can get back to that place to rename Pittsburgh "The City of Champions" once again. Boston on the other hand has seemed to figure most of this out and are playing pretty good, though they are in a tight one with Baltimore. Both teams should finish having good years, lets just hope that the Sox's can return to the post season and dominate like they always do, and for the Pirates, right now they should just look to finish .500. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NHL Rules for Playoffs

Hey all,

If you as crazy of a hockey fan as I am, you love this time of the year, playoff time. There's just one thing that gets on my nerves during the playoffs, the "no fighting" rule. I mean the ref's let them fight during the regular season, but not during the playoffs. I know they say that they want the games to go quicker, but most of the fans watch for one reason and one reason only, the fights! Playoff hockey is among the best hockey anybody will ever see. All the best players playing at the highest level that is humanly possible, what's not to like about that? The answer to that question is simple, LET THEM FIGHT!  I'm sick and tired of seeing the ref's interfere with the game by breaking up a fight between two or more players that's just going to continue throughout the rest of the game. If they would just let them duke it out and fight, take the five minute major that they damn well deserve the game would pick up and there wouldn't be any problems between those two players. Now that's not to say that the rest of the team won't want in on all the fun, but hey it takes care of two of the players. Another thing, these are grown men, and how do men solve problems with one another, they fight it out. I just feel that if they can let them drop the gloves in the regular season they can let em do it in the playoffs. This wouldn't just help the players, it also helps the NHL. If they let them drop the gloves, the people who aren't watching because they know they won't see a fight will tune in to see a fight. That improves ratings and the NHL will benefit as well as the TV station that it's televised on. This is a win win, come on if a 22 year old college student from Bethany College, in West Virgina can figure this stuff out, I'm pretty sure that the big shots working for these companies should have figured it out a long time ago. Since we are on the subject of ref's, how about they open their eyes a little more to the calls they are missing. If the fans can see it and the people at home can see it, I don't know how they ref's don't see it? I personally seen more boarding calls that weren't called in the last round then I can count. I know this was one of the biggest rule changes to help protect the players for head injuries, but if you are not calling it what's the point of having the rule in place then? I like the rule and I'm not against it, but make sure if you go through everything you had to, that the call gets made. Now I'm not saying that there won't be any head injuries in hockey if they start calling and enforcing this rule, but the player should get more than a 2 minute minor for this. It should be a 5 minute major just so that the point gets across to these "dirty" players who keep doing it.
If you ask me or any hockey fan there is, they will tell you that they love the game and love watching it. Just think about what it would do for the sport if these small changes were made? It would bring up ratings for the NHL and the TV providers, as well as grow the fan base for the NHL. To me, I don't see a problem with either of these two things being put into play ASAP. I just hope for next season they don't try and add another bogus rule that won't really help the game of hockey that much, and start looking into these changes that should be made RIGHT NOW! I will be posting again after this round of playoff hockey so keep your eyes open for it.