Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The NFL this week has made more changes towards the helmet to helmet hitting going on. Once again they single out the Pittsburge Steelers and the way they play. The Steelers got once another costly penalty for hitting and almost cost them the game. When I saw the same hits in other games and they made no call. This just goes and proves my point that the NFL is only cracking down on the Steelers. I feel that if they are going to call the penalty they need to start doing it all around the league and not just single out one team, even though they know that's the way they play the game and have for years. If I was the Steelers I would not change a thing that I do. Tell my players to go out and play the way we know how to play. The only way they are going to solve this problem is by going out and taking care of it themselves. 


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