Saturday, August 6, 2011

Struggling Pirates

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Pirates are on a 8 game losing streak, and compared to their amazing run to first in the division, this is down right sad. They have moved to third in the division and 8 games back from first. Tonight the Pirates gave up 4 HR in this game which lead to their 15-5 loss to the San Diego Padres. A team that doesn't have a good record, and doesn't hit a lot of HR. The sad thing is that the Pirates down fall these past 8 games has not be solely to blame on the offense, but the pitching of the Pirates has died. One of the element of their game that I said was the strongest part of their offense. Something needs to happen, and happen fast if the Pirates want to get back at making a run at the pennant race. I guess you can't really be too surprised at what is happening to the Pirates, at this point in time in the season. They always seem to crash and burn near the end of the season. When looking at their schedule coming up, it doesn't get any easier for the Pirates. They have the hardest part of their schedule coming up, with Milwaukee, St. Louis, and San Fransisco, last years champs. Pittsburgh needs to get on a different type of run, and that would be a winning run, and they need to do it fast. With how their schedule works they have to play Milwaukee twice, and St. Louis twice, so they can make a strong run back to first in the division by winning all of those series. I'm hoping and looking forward to the month of August for the Pittsburgh Pirates. It should be exciting and fun to watch. Once the Pirates regain their pitching staff, and get it back to where it was in the beginning of the season, up until these past 8 games. If this happens they will once again make a strong run at the pennant.

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