Friday, November 25, 2011

So Much to Talk About

Hey All,

I'm not even sure I know where to start and this Holiday weekend of sports. So I guess I'll just start with something I'm sure 90% of Americans watched yesterday, on Thanksgiving, football.The NFL featured 3 games yesterday, the Lions vs the Packers, the Cowboys vs the Dolphins, and the highlight of the night the Ravens vs the 49ers. Let's start with the first game of the day, Lions vs Packers. This game started out and should have shocked everybody. The Lions Defense shut down the Packers Offense for almost the entire first half. Hell at the end of the first half it was 7-0 Packers, which is the lowest points they have scored in a half of football this entire season. Everything was going the Lions way in the first half until Stafford throw his first INT of the day. This put the Pack on the 20 of Detroit going in to score. Not a problem for the raining Super Bowl Champs. I was surprised to see that when coming into the second half; A the score and B how flat the Lions looked after such an amazing first half. It was no time until the Pack had a lead of  14-0, then 21-0, then 24-0 they just couldn't stop the Packers Offense. The biggest help was Defensive tackle Nadamukong Suh did by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen done on a football field in my life. He didn't like being blocked, so instead of just taking it like a man, he decides to get up and stomp on the offensive lineman's arm. The sad part is he had the nerve to argue this call. He even went to a press conference after the game and still claimed that he "wasn't intentionally stomping on the players arm, I was just trying to get up and get my balance." Suh said. Which is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my entire life. He needs to just watch the replay and he will clearly see that there's nothing he can argue that will change anyone's mind. He's still going to get a fine and probably suspended for a few games. Needless to say with the Lions best Defensive player out they lost the game 27-15, but the score doesn't do the Packers justice they man handled the Lions the entire game.
Game #2 Cowboys vs Dolphins: probably one of the better games that happened this Turkey day. This game went down to the wire, and though nothing exciting like a player getting ejected, the final in this game was 20-19 in favor of the Cowboy's. Now I'm not the biggest Cowboy fan in the world, but they got lucky against the Fins in this game, it was theirs to lose. With a score of 10-6 at halftime in favor of the Cowboy's most would say that it was theirs to lose, but the Dolphin's came out and put 10 on the board in the 3rd quarter alone to make the score 16-10 in favor of the Dolphin's. The 4th quarter is where this game gets interesting, with players making spectacular catches for Dallas and the D for Miami not really showing up. Miami had a lead of 19-17 going into the last minute of the game when Dallas decided they weren't going to lose to Miami, arguably one of the worst teams in the league. The Cowboys drove all the way down the field to score a game winning field goal with no time left on the clock and spoil Miami's Thanksgiving day upset.
Game #3 Ravens vs 49ners. This game was so boring that I actually fell asleep to it before it was even midway through the 3rd quarter and didn't wake up until they were past the post game show, and onto Sports Center. All I know is that everyone made such a big deal about the two coaches being brothers that no one stopped to realize that hey, maybe these teams are very evenly matched defensively. Through the first 3 quarters there were 4 field goals kicked and made by both teams combined. Making it an outstanding 6-6 game going into the 4th quarter. A score that resembles a baseball game. It wasn't until the 4th when Baltimore decided that they were tired of playing with this team and were going to take it down and score the only touchdown of the game, and end up beating the 9ers 16-6. You really can't take this one away from both defense's who played an amazing game. All in all I guess it is true what they say, Defense wins Championships, and that's all there is too it.

Next on my list of things to talk about is the Backyard Brawl, Pitt vs WVU.This game couldn't have been more frustrating for both teams fans. Between WVU turning the ball over 4 times and putting Pitt in scoring position 4 times. It also didn't help that the special teams for WVU was the worst showing I have ever see. The Defense for WVU did decide that they wanted to play some ball tonight and hold Pitt to field goals on all but one of those turn overs. Pitt hand an outstanding lead of 20-7 until WVU decided that they were not going to lose probably the last meeting between the two teams with the conference mix up that is going on right now. WVU drove down the field not once, but twice to seal their victory 21-20 over Pitt, which had to leave a very, very bad taste in Pitt's mouth after receiving the ball in WVU territory 4 separate times, and only being able to show field goals for it. Now within this game there was something that should have drove ever fan of the sport crazy. That would be the play of the punter for WVU, who couldn't kick a ball in this game to save his life. He couldn't have been averaging over 25 yards a punt. To the point where the coaching staff had seen enough in the first half, and benched the kick because he was doing so badly. This is funny to me because this kick has been doing this for the past 10 weeks and now they wise up and decide to pull him. He would have been cut from my team weeks ago if I was a D1 coach. You have one job, and that is to kick a ball, nothing else. That's all he does at practice and all he does in a game, KICK A BALL! If you are going to school for free at a D1 school like WVU and you can't do that, sorry about you luck kick but your cut if you play for me. Now as much as it pains me to say this being a WVU fan, they got lucky in this game and should have ended up with a loss. WVU played like straight shit the entire game. Geno Smith, I have a bit of help for you.
Smith is no runner, he has proven that by his running out of bounds 2 to 3 yards short of a first down. He has a nice arm, but makes very poor decisions when the games on the line. That is just facts, just watch the game films and you will agree with me. But all in all WVU did pull through and pick up the win tonight and kept their hopes at the Big East title alive, along with a BCS bowl game. Something they will needed badly if they plan on moving to the Big 12 next year. I hope everything works out for them and they make a strong run at the Big East title just to prove to people that they can pull through when they need it most.

Until next time readers
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date withe everything sports.

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