Monday, February 13, 2012

Moss Back To The NFL?

Hey All,

Seeing how tomorrow is Valentines Day I will be posting today instead of tomorrow. So let's get down to business.

Now Nothing really going on sports wise today, except for the coming out that Randy Moss will be making a return to the NFL next season. If anyone will be willing to take a chance and pick him up. Now almost every analyst is saying that the only good pick for him would be to return to the Patriots. Now I couldn't agree more. The Pats need that deep threat, Tom Brady has a better chance to actually win the Super Bowl, and Randy Moss gets another shot at the big time. Moss is still a very explosive player, who shouldn't have retired last season. But I can see where his mind was, nobody wanted him that had a chance at a winning season, he wasn't getting offered the money he deserves, and no matter where he went he wouldn't of had anyone like Tom Brady throwing to him. When the two, Brady and Moss, were on the same team they broke countless records, and can do the same if they re-connect and the Pats do sign Moss. Honestly if anyone can think of a better pick for Moss, I'm willing to listen, but I don't think there is a better fit for Moss. Moss hasn't played football since 2010 when he played for the Pats, Vikings, and Titans, so he should be well rested. With being out now a full season, Moss should have gotten the motivation to get back into the NFL and get back to football.

The only way I see Moss coming back is if he gets an offer from the Pats. If they don't offer him a deal, then I see him staying retired. It will be the only place where, he and the Pats, can get back to a winning style that they are use to, with putting up 45 points a game. All in all for Moss it's Pats or nothing. I'll be interested in seeing how this all plays out, and will keep you guys up to date with any news that I get.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything Sports

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