Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Steelers Game

I think that it was outrageous the number of penalties called on the Steelers Sunday. When a team has more penalties then the opposing team has offensive yards, I think there's something else going on with the refs.  The other thing is that they are trying to take away the Steelers style of play, they are smash mouth in your face type of football. The refs and league is trying to change they way they play. Other teams don't get penalties for the same type of hits as the Steelers make. I think the commissioner doesn't like the Steelers and their style of football, which has been around for year, and also he doesn't like that they are winning and wants to put a stop to it. My opinion is to have the team owners pay the fines for "illegal" hits and have the coach say "Guys do what we do best. Go out and crack some heads and hit how we know how." That would be the only way to put a stop to them singling out the Steelers.

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