Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The First 2 NFL Draft Picks

 Hey All,

 As I'm sure most of you know, the NFL draft was this weekend, and with no surprise to anyone Andrew Luck was announced first to the Colts. Next to him was Robert Griffin III at the number 2 slot to the Washington Redskins, and both men have big shoes to fill. With Luck, his has to live in the shadow of Peyton Manning, and Griffin will have to try and win over the fan base there who can be a bit on the critical side. Let's get started by talking about Luck.

Andrew Luck trying to fill the shoes of Peyton Manning, who only won 4 MVP awards and a Super Bowl ring while with the Colts, but it shouldn't be that hard for Luck right? Luck went on to say this about how he feels about the whole Manning situation, ''You don't really replace a guy like that, you can't. You just try to do the best you can. Obviously, he was my hero growing up.''His selection as the top pick was hardly a stunner. The Colts informed Luck last week that Commissioner Roger Goodell would announce his name first. After Lucks name was called he went up, held the jersey with Commissioner Goodell, walked off stage, slapped hands with some Colts fans and then went right into the interview room where he was asked the obvious question about Manning. ''I realize you could go crazy trying to measure yourself to Peyton Manning every day. That would be an insane way to live,'' Luck said. ''I know his legendary status, really. Huge shoes to try and fill if you're trying to do that. ... If one day I can be mentioned alongside Peyton as one of the football greats, that would be a football dream come true.'' All in all Luck is very happy to be in Indy and playing for the Colts. 

Now for RG3. Washington dealt a second-round pick this year and its first-rounders in 2013 and '14 to St. Louis to move up four spots. But they wound up with the Baylor QB who beat out Luck for the Heisman Trophy. Dressed in a light blue suit that didn't quite mesh with Redskins' burgundy and gold — and wearing socks that fit the team's color scheme and proclaimed ''GO CATCH YOUR DREAM'' — Griffin had some trouble getting the Redskins hat over his braids. He ended up wearing it just a tad crooked while he flashed big smiles for photos.''Go catch that dream — because a lot of times when you chase something you never get to it,'' he said. ''So if you say, 'Hey, I'm going to go catch my dream,' you're already telling yourself that you're going to get it.'' Griffin even was heard signing the Redskins fight song on the phone with the team when he received  his call. So it seems that he is very excited to get started with the Skins. 

I think both men will be great complements to their respective teams, and should have great careers to go along with that. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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