Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Reed Wins Appeal

Hey All,

Today Ed Reed, of the Baltimore Ravens, won his appeal against his one game suspension for flagrant hits against defenseless players. This was Reeds third offense in three seasons. This meant that something had to be done with the league. At first the league felt that this was enough to give him a game suspension without pay.

The third violation of this rule came in Sunday night's game against the Steelers Emmanuel Sanders. Reed went to the ruling, and hearing officer Ted Cottrell on Tuesday to try and reduce the suspension. Apparently it worked, because Reed was sent a letter from Cottrell saying  ''I have determined that your actions were egregious and warrant significant discipline. However, I do not believe that your actions were so egregious as to subject you to a one-game suspension without pay.''

This is good for the Ravens already beat up D. They don't have to lose a very important piece to their defense, and by far one of the best DB's they have. If you ask me I think that the NFL is taking it too easy on their rulings and players. I feel that if a suspension was given, regardless of the reason, it should be held out. This appeals process is crap. The NFL needs to stick to their guns and hold out these suspensions. These players being able to appeal their suspensions, is just saying "hey you can screw up, write and appeal, and we'll let you back in the league and able to play".

I've never liked this, and probably never will, until a suspension on a player is actually held up. Once this happens I will have more faith in the league and their ruling process. Until then, it's crap.

Until next time,
You keep doing that you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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