Sunday, March 31, 2013

15 Straight

Hey All,

An amazing feat has been accomplished in Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Penguins have won their 15 straight game in a row, coming two games shy of the record for conviction games won.

The record is 17 which the Pens can tie that record Wednesday April 3rd in New York, as they will face the Rangers. This is a very reachable record for the Pens to break as the Sabres and Rangers are very beatable teams. Pittsburgh has beaten both these teams already this season, and since then they had add 3 more captions to their team.

With the talent that Pittsburgh has on their team this season, there is no reason they shouldn't make it to the Stanley Cup Finals. There's only one little wrinkle at this point in the season, and that is caption and NHL leading scoring Sydney Crosby is out for who knows how long. Crosby was taken to a Pittsburgh hospital yesterday afternoon, after taking a slap shot off of Brookes Oprik was deflected off a stick and hit him right in the mouth.

Word from Dan Bylsma, Penguins head coach, is that Crosby had oral surgery yesterday when taken to the hospital. The other word on the street is that Crosby is missing some teeth now after taking that shot to the mouth. Now me personally, I would love to see Sid the Kid with missing teeth and start to look like a hockey player. But knowing how he is and how he's perceived, he probably had those teeth replaced during the surgery.

Normally I would say that the Pens are in big trouble without Crosby in the line up, but with the talent they've acquired I think he can take a few games rest.

I can't wait to see if the Pens are able to break the record and keep this winning streak going for as long as possible.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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