Monday, April 14, 2014

Phelps Comes Out of Retirement

Hey All,

Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite sports, mainly because it's the one I competed at in college, and that's swimming. Yes, I know it's not the most glorious one in the sports world, but it can be very entertaining. One of the biggest figures in the sport will be coming out of retirement, Michael Phelps will be coming back to the swimming world and will be looking forward to Rio in 2016.

Phelps will be swimming on April 24-26th in the Arena Grand Prix in Mesa, Ariz. This will be the 22-time Olympic medalist's first time competing since the London Games in 2012. He will join such swimming stars as Ryan Lochte and Katie Ledecky in the Grand Prix this all according to USA TODAY sports.

"As of today, I definitely expect him to swim," Phelps' longtime coach Bob Bowman told USA TODAY Sports by phone Monday. "We're looking forward to it. I think it'll be great for the sport to have Michael compete again. We really don't have any expectations for what might happen. We just want to have some fun with it and see how it goes." Also according to coach Bowman, Phelps has entered into the 100-meter butterfly and the 100-meter freestyle.

"Those are both on the first day, and he'll probably try both of those (preliminaries) in the morning, see how it goes, and maybe do one final if he gets to the finals," Bowman said. "The next day, he's entered (in the 50 free) and will probably do a 50 butterfly. We don't know yet. After this, we can decide what he wants to do next."

All of this isn't that much of a surprise to any in the swimming world, as Michael was taking all the steps needed to compete again at swimming. He went as far, in the last year, as he rejoined the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency's drug testing pool last year. Along with that he upped his training over the last year which lead most to believe he would try and make a comeback.

"It's historic, it's going to be a media spectacle," Mesa Aquatics Club CEO Paul Smith said. "No other venue has the same feel and proximity to the action as ours. It's going to be thrilling regardless of what shape he (Phelps) is in. There's something about being at pool level that is energizing."

"This meet happens to be at the right time," Bowman said. "He's eligible to swim in a meet, and he thought it might be fun to do one. We heard this was a great meet. I don't think it was something we had targeted; it came up at the right time."

I think people may look into these quotes too much. They will probably say that he (Phelps) won't even think about the Olympics in Rio in 2016, but this shouldn't not be a surprise either. Phelps and Bowman denied that Phelps was even going to swim in this meet in April, this was all said a month ago. Now I know people may change their minds, but I don't think it could happen that quick. This is something the two have been thinking about for a long time.

I'm excited to see what happens in the meet on  24-26th and will keep you up to date with everything that goes on from here on out.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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