Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How About Them Bucco's

Hey All,

This is an exciting moment for all you Pirates fans out there. Your Pittsburgh Pirates are a half game above the Cardinals and the Brewers after the All Star break. This is just unheard of for the past couple decades. The Pirates were one of the worst teams in the majors as of late, but this year they have turned up the heat and are bringing it to the competition. Now I know most will say that the Pirates are in one of the worst divisions in the majors, and I would probably agree with you. The National League Central has been weak, and all the teams in that division, no one has talked about, Until now. The Cardinals, thanks to Albert Pujols, have been hot and making a name for themselves the past few years. The Milwaukee Brewers have been that team that just kind of fly's under the radar, and the only time you hear about them is when Prince Fielder has a big night. Now to the Pittsburgh Pirates, no one has been talking of them unless they have a big name team beats them. Also people have called them the farm team for the rest of the majors. They have traded away all their good players to the Red Sox and the Yankees, and then wonder why they can't win games. This year is different, they have not traded any of their "good" players and gotten nothing. They are a small market team, in terms of player names and money spent for them. The Pirates have been finding a way to win games with players that no one really knows about. They've brought players up from the minors, and they've produced. They've had players get hurt, and other have filled their shoes nicely. The only "big name" player that they have is Andrew McCutchen, and they are still winning. The Pirates haven't been in first in the their division, after the All Star break, since 1921. The only problem with this stat is, that year the Pirates failed to make the post season. Times are changing for the city of Pittsburgh. I think very soon that Pittsburgh will be known once again as the "City of Champions". The only missing piece of this puzzle was the Pirates, and now they are winning games. Lets just hope this trend keeps up and they can go deep into the post season, and make the World Series.

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