Thursday, July 28, 2011

Worst Call Ever!

Hey All,

I am really upset about the umpiring at the Atlanta Pittsburgh, in game one of the series. The game went into extra innings and should have been the Pirates game, but a call that will bring out more talk about instant replay to the Majors, screwed up the Pirates chances for a win. Home plate umpire Males, missed one of the easiest calls that an ump can make. A chopper hit to third, was played well, the toss to home was perfect, and beat the runner by a mile was called safe at home when he was tagged three feet in front of the plate. This wouldn't have been that big of a call, if the game wasn't in the bottom of the 19th inning. A 19 inning game decided by a missed call doesn't give the fans their moneys worth. If he would have made the right call and called the runner out, Mckenry could have made a throw to first to get the batter out, who fell coming out of the batters box. This would have brought the game to the top of the 20th, which is unheard of for a game to go that far into extras, but it would have given the Pirates a chance to bat again which I'm sure they would have won the game from here.

What blows my mind is that in the second game of the 4 game series went into extras again. I think the Braves have found their match in the Pirates. Neither team can seem to finish the game in regulation. I am really looking forward to seeing how game three tonight turns out, and if it will go into extras like the first two did. Lets all hope that the Bucco's can pull it out in this one and pick up the win, which they desperately need to stay in the race for the division. Also lets hope that the umps don't screw things up for them again.

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