Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Geno Smith

Hey All,

Today I was shocked to hear that there were negative comments made about one Geno Smith, QB from WVU. Now I was critical of Geno when he was at WVU, but that's me, and that doesn't mean that he is a bad QB. For Nolan Nawrocki to say all of these negative things about him is ridiculous.

Nawrocki should be ashamed of himself to say what he said about Geno. He could have possibly ruined this kids life, and career as a football player. Here is a kid who is my eyes has been the best QB at WVU. Now, I know everyone will come out and say I'm wrong, but here are some facts for you. Just last year alone, Geno completed over 70% of his passes, had an average of 8.1 yards per pass, with 42 touchdowns to just 6 interceptions, and last but not least he threw for 4205 yards. To make matters even better he had a QB rating of 163.9, are you kidding me? Those stats speak for themselves. 

Nawrocki went on record saying that Geno has "questionable football IQ, a marginal work ethic and an inability to inspire teammates"  among other negative comments. These comments are just wrong, they even got ESPN show host Stephen A Smith up in arms, and rightfully so. I couldn't agree more with him. 

If you don't believe, not only me but Stephen A Smith, here's one more person who agrees with both of us. WVU quarterback coach Jake Spavital had this to say "I was laughing with Geno about it Monday night and I said, 'Welcome to the business,'" Spavital told USA Today. He's also gone on record in saying that Geno is a NFL teams "dream come true" and even went as far as compairing him to NFL rookie Brandon Weeden. He says that Geno could come into a team and start from day one, and he didn't think that about Weeden. He's also said that Geno is "competitive and passionate" and that he has an "awesome" personality. 

Now these comments were coming for someone who's worked with Geno for 4 years while he was at WVU, and if he doesn't know about him, I don't know anyone else who would. I can't stress enough that Geno will do well in the NFL. Again he was the best "Quarterback" that WVU has had in a long time. Pat White was the best athlete that WVU has had, but not the best QB. Marc Bulger, in my eyes, comes in at a very close second. 

All in all this man, Nawrocki, shouldn't have said what he said about Geno. I think he will have a wave of angry West Virginians coming for him, and nobody wants that. I'll say it again, Geno will be a first round pick, he will do well in the NFL, and I'm sure he will earn a starting job on an NFL team, and you can take that to the bank.

Until next time,

You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

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