Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rice Due 100K

Hey All,

Today I recently found out that EX-Rutgers head men's basketball coach Mike Rice is due a bonus of $100,000. Now this is absolutely ridiculous to me because of the reason why he was fired. For those of you who don't know why he was fired, Rice was fired for verbally and physically abusing his players. Now that being said, does that sound like someone who deserves their bonus? It sure doesn't to me, and if I was the athletic director, he wouldn't be receiving any type of bounce from me.

Now according to Rice's contract, if he finished the 2012-2013 season, then he would be awarded his bonus of $100,000. In my eyes his contract should be voided because of the reason as to why he was fired, but unfortunately it's not my call to make.

Rice was paid $622,500 and had bonuses for winning games and graduating players. The problem is, that some players quit, or transferred schools because of Rice's actions in practice. So right there, no bonus for you because you're the reason kids are leaving the schools.

Now, the video of him screaming gay slurs at the kids, slapping them in the back of the heads, throwing basketballs at them, and even shoving them around the court was brought to the athletic directors attention in December. He felt that it was best to just discipline the coach with a three game suspension and a $50,000 fine with anger management classes. If Rice would have been fired on the spot then, like he should have been, then he would not have been entitled to his bonus, but since nothing was done he is entitled to his bonus because he "completed" his contract obligations.

According to and Athletic Spokesmen Jason Baum Rice will be receiving his bonus of $100,000 because he did technically completed the terms of his contract, and they are legally obligated to give him his money. I just think that they could find a way to not pay him because of his actions, the loss of students to Rutgers University, and the consoling that some of the players had to go through because of the coach.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

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