Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Deja Blue

Hey All,

Sorry for the late post but, here is what I got out of Super Bowl XLVI.
This game was meant to be a great one from the get go. The New York Football Giants and the New England Patriots, a heated rivalry that goes back years in the making. With the Yankees and Red Sox and all the great sports teams, New York and New England just don't like each other. So you know this game was going to be a battle from the sound of the first whistle. The Giants came out and got the ball to start the game and their offense looked good from the start of this game. They were able to put a good drive together and show that they were able to move the ball against the Pats. Their D showed that the Pats weren't going to be able to move the ball easily on the Giants D, and their outstanding pass rush. Justin Tuck, on the first play of the on D, was able to put the pressure on Tom Brady, and force him to make a bad pass which ended up being a safety to put 2 more points on the board for the G-Men. Making the score an outstanding 9-0 in favor of the Giants. The Pats would answer back though, getting a few more scores on the board to bring them the lead 14-9 going into the half. The Pats got the ball to start the second half and were able to drive down the field to put 3 more points on the board, and things weren't looking food for the Giants. But that Defense for the Giants weren't ready to give up hope, and the Offense did their part as well. The Pats would be stuck at a score of 17 for the remainder of the game. The New York Football Giants would make some big plays through the air to bring the game within a winnable margin. With 2 minutes to go in the game the Giants had the game within 2 points, were going into score, and only needed a field goal to win the game. With Nicks picking up a key first down to keep their drive alive on a wide receiver screen, everyone thought he made a huge error in not staying in bounds to keep the clock moving. The Giants were trying to not leave enough time on the clock so that Tom Brady would not have the time to put a winning drive together. On the first play inside the 10 yard line, Eli Manning handed the ball off to Ahmad Bradshaw and screamed "DON'T SCORE!" But Bradshaw's momentum was too much for him to stop and carried him into the end zone with 57 seconds left on the clock. More than enough time for Brady to make his move down the field, and put a W on the board for the Pats. This is were disaster would strike New England as their receivers would just forget how to catch the ball. Brady made some good throws, but the Pats receivers would drop balls that any other time, they make with ease. The Pats yet again fell short to the Giants in the big game. It happened 4 years ago and this year looked strikingly similar.
All in all this game came down to the Giants make fewer mistakes in the clutch then the Pats did. Tom Brady and his Offense just had no answer for the Giants Defense. No one can argue that the Giants just seemed to want it more, and had the right game plan to get the job done. Now that football is over everyone is wondering what will happen now, and what will people watch. Need I remind you that we are right in the middle of 2 major sports seasons, the NHL and the NBA are right in the heart of their seasons, and the excitement is outstanding. I also would like to remind everyone that I correctly predicted the outcome of Super Bowl XLVI to a T. I said it was going to be a close game, and it was. I said it was going to be the Giants coming up with a late game rally to win the game in the fourth quarter, and they did. I want to congratulate both teams on making this far, and a bigger congratulations to the New York Giants on winning against the New England Patriots yet again in a Super Bowl.

Until next time reader,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sprots

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