Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kids Encouraging Words

Hey All,

When a young man elected to give his favorite team some encouraging words after they lost a demoralizing needed win at home in the Eastern Conference Finals, anyone who saw it, let's face it, laughed. Laughed hard. They just lost the most important game of their lives (or at least since last June), are faced with the reality that all their pomp and circumstance are nothing but cheap tricks, and that they are not the super-team they or anyone made them out to be. How can you applaud "good effort" when a bunch of old guys and Rondo smoke you at home?

This is what I think about the media blowing this way outta context, this was a kid who was lucky enough to see a Eastern Conference Finals game where his favorite team playing in a critical game. He was simply doing what he was taught in, whatever little league sport that he plays, to do. That is congratulating a team, even if they lost, on trying hard and giving it their all. He simply said "good job, good effort" and the media ate it up. People and the media are making this kid out to be the bad guy in this situation, when clearly he was just trying to be nice.

Now I'm sure the Heat didn't take it that way either, with what's at stake with this game. The Heat needed to win this game, no one can say that they didn't. The states show that the Heat are not very good when playing in Boston. I've said it and every analysis has said it also, "the Miami Heat can not and will not beat the Celtics in Boston". It looks like the Celtics will be the ones playing OKC in the NBA Finals after a critical game 6 in Boston.

Let's hope, for rating sake, that the Heat can do what no one says they can do, and win in Boston to force a game 7 in Miami. I would like to see what team wants it more, when both teams have the play or go home mentality.

All in all with the media blowing this kid out of whack and putting that into the Heats head makes this the Celtics game to lose. I can't wait to see what happens tonight in game 6 and if there will be a game 7 or not.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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