Monday, December 24, 2012

Hamrahan To The Red Sox

Hey all,

According to the associated press, the Pittsburgh Pirates are talking about a trade to send Joel Hamrahan to the Boston Red Sox. Now this story has got me a little torn. I am a Pirates fan as well as a Red Sox fan, so I'm not to sure how I feel about this trade.

On one hand, you got the Pirates, who looked good until late last season and sent two players to the All Star game. One of those players was Hamrahan, so I have no idea why they would be looking to trade him. To make matters worse they are only getting prospects for him. I'm sorry, but if you're the Pirates, a team who holds the record for longest streak with a losing season, you need to get more than just prospects for one of your all stars.

On the other hand, you have the Sox, who were just absolutely terrible last year. They need help with their pitching staff, and Hamrahan can help out in that aspect. They need a closer ever since they got rid of their all star closer last year. I think Hamrahan will be a great addition to the Sox line up, and the Sox should only get better from here.

Like I said earlier I'm torn with this decision. It benefits one of my teams, but hurts the other. So on my hand I'm for it but on the other I'm not. I'll be I interested to see what plays out with this deal.

Until next time, you keep doing what you do
And I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

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