Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wisconsin 3Peat

Hey All,

Wisconsin University has now appeared in it's 3rd straight Rose Bowl. But, 3rd time wasn't the charm for Wisconsin. It's not like they have been getting blown out in this game, they have lost by a touchdown or less in the games against Organ, USC, and Stanford. 

Stanford got on the board first with a 16 yard run by Young on an end around. There was still 11:24 left to go in the first quarter. They didn't lay off the gas as the Defense got them the ball back on a 3 and out. Stanford quickly scored again on a 3 yard rush up the gut by Taylor, with 6:35 left to go in the first quarter.

In the second quarter Wisconsin's talented running back Ball ran up the middle for an 11 yard touchdown, with 9:05 left to go in the half. The Cardinal's would answer back though with an 47 yard field goal by Williamson, leaving 6:24 to go in the half. Wisconsin would have the last say in the first half, as they drove down to score on a 4 yard pass from Phillips to Fredrick with 19 seconds left in the half, to make the score 14-17 in favor of Stanford. 

Now, from what I saw, both teams made the necessary adjustments at half because the 3rd quarter was completely scoreless. Neither offense could get the ball into scoring rang. The next score, would in fact be the last one of the game and the game winner off of the foot of Williamson again, this time from 22 yards away. The final score was 20-14 Stanford, and you can't credit it all to the Stanford offense. The Defense of Stanford stepped up big in this game, forcing a late interception to seal the deal on this game, and give Wisconsin it's third straight loss in the Rose Bowl for Wisconsin University. Usua Amanam was the player to basically give the win the Stanford. 

Stanford didn't score many, if any at all, style points, but the Big Ten Champion Badgers (8-6) couldn't score many points at all while losing the Granddaddy of Them All in heartbreaking fashion for the third consecutive season. I can't imagine how these young men of Wisconsin feel, especially the sophomores and freshman who've been there for all 3 losses in this game, after losing by less than a touchdown for the 3rd straight year.

For Stanford, this may just be the game that the school needs, in order to get the National recognition that they deserve. The only recognition that they've got in the past 2 years, is that they wouldn't be that good since they lost star quarterback Andrew Luck to the NFL. I think they have shut up everyone who said they couldn't do it without him. Now I'm sure the media will talk about them for a couple of weeks, but once that dies down and everyone gets away from College Football, and starts focusing on the NFL Playoffs, no one will be talking about them. 

Now I think that is crap! This team deserves to be talk about on the National level with the Organs  and the USC's, LSU's, and Alabama of the world. Stanford proved they could win the big game, when it's close, and it wasn't looking good for the Defense. They pulled through, dug deep, and won the game. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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