Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kelly to The Eagles

Hey All,

As I'm sure you all know, Chip Kelly has made his announcement to join the NFL, with the Eagles. This is stunning news that has been trending, but I know we all have seen his offense.

Non of this should come as a shock to anyone. Take a look at the six coaches that were hired in the NFL. What we have seen for the up and coming year is that one thing has become clear: Teams are looking for coaches who are the guy who can boost their offensive production. This can't come as a shock to anyone as the league has turned into a offense-is-most-important league for the past several years.

If you take a look at the group of coaches that were hired they all have a clear-cut offensive background, and that's part of the direction that the NFL is heading. The main coach in this group of coaches, in my opinion, is Chip Kelly.

Kelly was one of, if not the, most coveted coaches in college football. All the credit for this has to be given to his dynamic offensive principles, which dominated the college football world for the past couple of years now. Kelly took his Oregon Ducks to four consecutive BCS bowls during his tenure there.

I think that if Kelly gets the right team around him, he can turn things around in Philly. The problem is, trying to keep Mike Vick around to have a mobile quarterback that can run Kelly's style of offense. There was too much talk of Vick leaving Philly to move on to a new team, that it may be hard to convince him to stick around to see if Kelly can build the proper team around him.

We all know that Kelly is a winner, hell that's all the man did while at Oregon, but he's in good company. The team that hired these offensive "gurus" are: the Bears, Browns, Chargers, Chiefs, Bills and of course the Eagles. But these teams all have one major thing in common, they sucked last year. The numbers don't lie people: Chicago was 16th in points scored per game in 2012 and 24th in Football Outsiders weighted offensive rank, despite the talented core of Jay Cutler, Brandon Marshall, and Matt Forte. Cleveland (24th, 27th) had a lot of young talent on offense in 2012 and it showed. San Diego (20th, 23rd) was once a superpower on the offensive side of the ball, and looked like a broken engine for most of the 2012 season. Kansas City (32nd, 31st) were practically dead last, and looked like a total train wreck in 2012. The Bills (21st, 18th) couldn't capitalize on the skills of guys like C.J. Spiller and Stevie Johnson despite Chan Gailey's genius. and last but not least the Eagles (29th, 22nd) were arguably the biggest disappointment in the NFL.

There are still two teams that haven't hired a coach yet, and they were on the lower part of the rankings in the NFL. The two teams still looking to hire a coach are the Jaguars (30th in points per game, and 28th at FO) were a disaster, and the Cardinals (31st, 31st) were even worse.

Now that you have the facts of the teams that were looking for new coaches, and the teams who found a new coach, I challenge you to tell me otherwise that these offensive minded coaches wont turn them around. Facts are facts, these teams have no where to go but up from here. If they can keep their QB off their backs, and put together a solid offense, which we know they can do because of their track records. Then these teams should improve and bring new life to some great programs.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

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