Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pirates and Dimondbacks Drama

Hey All,

I know I haven't been on here much this year with my blog, and for the I apologize. Just been busy with a bunch of other stuff. But never fear, I'm back and better than ever, and boy do I have a good one for you folks tonight. Late last week the Pirates took on the Diamondback's in Arizona, and boy did sparks start to fly. It all got started on Friday and then got worse from there. There was late game missed calls, players being beamed, and managers getting tossed. This isn't enough for me though. I feel that more fines should be held to the Diamondbacks organization for what they did in Saturday's game.

To be fair in the matter at hand, this case started on Friday night in the 9th inning of the game. Pirate Pitcher Ernesto Frieri plunked D-backs All-Star Paul Goldschmidt on the hand fracturing it. This only becomes significant because he is behind Andrew McCutchen in the NL MVP race. Goldschmidt is more than likely going to miss the rest of the regular season because of his hand and is about 95% chance he is out of the race for NL MVP.

Now let's flash to Saturday's game all the way to the 9th inning, yet again. This time D-Backs pitcher Randall Delgado drills Andrew McCutchen in the small of his back with a 95 MPH Fastball. Now most would think it's retaliation, and you would be right. But, there is a bit of principle here. Now, if McCutchen would have just gotten hit by a pitch, I'd be okay with this and wouldn't be writing this. That wasn't the case on Saturday. Now had this beaming happen in the first inning, the second inning, hell I'd even take the third inning there would be no problem. This happened in the 9th inning, they waited the entire game, and that's not right. Not only that, but the sign that was given to Delgado was really obvious as to what was going to happen.

Delgado got a sign that was a middle finger pointed down, and then pointed right to McCutchen. This was after the Catcher looked at the coach for the call. So this came from the Manager. Now, the Manager had been tossed earlier in the game for making a big scene with Martin after Friday's night game, and then getting into it with the Umps after a questionable call in Saturday's game. So it came from back up Manager, or was called in from the club house. Either way this call came from the bench, and wasn't just the players doing this on their own.  

The one major problem that I have with these actions is NOTHING was done about it. Even McCutchen, who typically keeps his cool had something to say. “They had all game to retaliate. They had the first inning to retaliate. They had the first pitch (of the ninth inning at-bat) to retaliate. They missed. You throw a slider on the second pitch and then you throw up and in on the next pitch. Are you trying to hurt me too? That’s the question…. We understand that retaliation is going to happen in this game. But you know, there’s a right way to do it. If you’re going to hit me, hit me. He hit me square in the spine. If I get hurt, what happens then?”

I couldn't have said this better myself. Something needs to happen to the Diamondbacks origination. Fines, suspensions, or a combination of the two, no matter what, something needs to be done by MLB. This is getting out of hand. Someone is going to get hurt, and this late in the season, it could case a team to miss the postseason. If I had my way, the Pitcher Delgado, the Catcher who put the sign up, and both Manager, and acting Manager at the time should all be fined, and all be suspend for their actions. Not only was it classless, but it was uncalled for. This could have very well ended Cutchen's season as well as his career. The ball did hit him right in the spin. The league needs to do something and it needs to do something quick. I mean hell, it's already Tuesday night, and nothing has happened yet. How long do we have to wait for a punishment? Sure shouldn't be this long, and I won't rest until something is done.

Until Next Time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. 

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