Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ray Rice

Hey All,

Now I told myself that I wouldn't do this, but in light of everything that is going on I have to give y'all my take on Ray Rice. Even though everything that is going on makes me sick, and I hate what he did. I am a firm believer that you should never hit a women, EVER! I hate people that do, and think they deserve the most stern and strict punishment. Ray Rice got just that.

Everyone has seen the video, so there's no need for me to go on about talking about it. What he did was the worst act I've seen out of a man in a long time. What gets me the most is that she still married him. That part just blows my mind. There is only one thing that I can think of, for why she married him. I think she is in it for his money. Now I know everyone is going to get on me about it, but I do not care. What women in her right mind would marry a man, who does that to her? Unless that man has Oh I don't know $28 Million. I think everyone can put the pieces together on why she is staying with him, and sticking up for him.

Now onto the fact that everyone is saying that Rodger Goodell had the video back in April. Now if that is true I believe that he would have gave him WAY more then just a 2 game suspension. Goodell is the one person who hands down punishments as they are needed. He is the commissioner of the league for a reason. Now given I thought the 2 game suspension was weak even before the video inside the elevator got released to the media. I thought he should have gotten at least 6 games, but I digress.

This new punishment is right, a indefinite suspension at this point in time is the right thing for the crime at hand. I don't think he will ever play in the NFL again. I think he will appeal the suspension at the end of this year, and or after the investigation is over. I think no matter what he is going to have some tough times ahead of him. I do wish him the best and hope everything works out for him, but that doesn't mean that I agree with what he did by any means. I just hope due process will be given and it will be the fairest trial/investigation that it can be.

I hope this post doesn't offend anyone, but I had to. I know I don't post as much as I would like to, or as much as you would like me to. But when it comes to this case I had to put something out there. Everyone who has stuck up for Ray Rice has there opinions just like I do, and I think they should be left out of it. I get it people make mistakes, and Ray Rice made the biggest one he could ever have for his career.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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