Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 2 in The NFL

Hey All,

This week in the NFL was crazy to say the least. We had major upsets, games go down to the wire, and more on the issues with players and not knowing how to act in the NFL this week. The week started out on a tough note with another player being charged with a crime. Adrian Peterson was charged with beating his 4 year old son. So yet another case of abuse with a player in the NFL. Now I have some mix feelings on this one, like I did with Ray Rice.

Peterson says he was not trying to harm his son in that way, rather discipline him. Now this is where I have mixed feelings. I'm all for disciplining your children, however its a gray area here. Yes kids need discipline, yes it's okay to do so, but no it's not okay to leave the marks that he did on his son. Now I get his point and I get the NFL's point in deactivating him for this weeks game. AP may have took it too far, but does that mean he shouldn't be charged? I think I'll let the NFL handle this one and see where the investigation goes.

Now to get to some football. This weeks games started off on Thursday with the Divisional rivals taken on one another. The Pittsburgh Steelers went to Baltimore to take on the Ravens. Now this game should have been a lot closer then it was. The Ravens beat the Steelers 26-6 and the Steelers didn't even look like they knew there was a game going on. Now I am a Steelers fan, as they are my home town team, but I can admit that we no longer have a defense that is worth talking about. I get that they are younger now, but that doesn't mean that they should look this bad. It was bad enough that they let Cleveland come back and take them down to the wire, after going up 24-0 is outrageous to me. They got lit up and now need to get ready for next week and hope they can pull off a win.

Well that got the ball rolling for an exciting week of football. Now not all the games were as bad as the Thursday nighter in Baltimore, as there were some games that went down to the wire. Take the Bucs and Rams for example, a game that shouldn't have been as close as it was, because Tampa's D is revamped and the Rams are down their starting QB for the year. This game ended on a questionable note for the Bucs, as Rookie Wide Receiver Mike Evans got hurt after catching a pass that put the Bucs in field goal rang to win the game. But since he was hurt, and the training staff came onto the field, and they didn't have any time outs left, by rule a 10 second run off of the clock had to happen. This ended the game and the Rams went on to win 19-17.

The Sunday Night game was a flag fest to say the least. San Francisco had 11 team penalties in the first half, by themselves. It made the game very hard to watch. It seemed like there was a flag every other play, and it slowed the game down way too much. Now I feel if there is a penalty, call it, but when it's getting as bad as the 49ers-Bears game got, it's too much. I hate this new enforcement of the rule that you cannot touch a WR after 5 yards. They've always been lacks on this rule, and I get it you need to enforce the rule, but com'on man this is ridiculous. Let them play and let them do their jobs. This rule, so that everybody knows, was put in place because of Seahawk's defense. They basically cheated their way to the Super Bowl. They did so by grabbing receivers down the field, past 5 yards, so they couldn't get open. So the league took a look at this and now we get to deal with all the flags that are being thrown by the refs.

The week would conclude with an exciting match up, on paper, on Monday Night between the Colts and Eagles. Now this game was suppose to be more Eagles and less Colts because the Colts D is beat up. To top it off not a lot of teams can keep up with the up tempo offense of Philly. They run a play every 21 seconds. Very hard to prepare for and you can't make the proper substitutions. Plus it forces you to run 1 or 2 defenses, which QB's in the NFL live for. Any of them can eat up a D doing that. That wasn't the case in this game. Indy came out and was ready to play and yes they gave up some big pass plays to the Eagles, but they stopped them when it mattered. They didn't allow them to score a single touchdown in the first half. Stuffing them in the red zone. They were able to manage 2 field goals to put some points on the board.

They went into the half down 17-6 because Indy's offense, and Andrew Luck, was just too much to handle. They went old school on Philly. Straight pounded the ball down their throats, by running both backs equally. Trent Richardson and Ahmad Bradshaw, two very powerful backs who can also make you miss. They continued to do so in the second half, but the Philly D was ready for it this time. Stopping them a few more times then they did in the first half, but it wasn't good enough. 

The Colts came out and were worse then how they looked in the first half. They didn't make any half time adjustments. They were flat, tried to run the same plays as in the first half, and didn't look ready for the adjustments that the Eagles made. 

The Eagles on the other hand came out and was ready for the Colts D. They looked like a team they were on paper. They were flying around and were very hard to tackle. They came back from 14 points down in the 3rd quarter to beat the Colts 30-27 on a late field goal and some questionable calls by the refs. 

And that's how the game would end. Just how we all thought, though maybe not that close, with the Eagles winning. Even thought this is the first time Andrew Luck hasn't lost 2 games in a row in the NFL. 

That's how week 2 ended, and with all the injuries this week, I can't wait to see how next week.goes. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up-to-date with everything sports 

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