Friday, September 30, 2011

Terry Francona to Leave The Red Sox

Hey All,

It's a sad day in Boston, not because the Red Sox didn't make the postseason, but because manager Terry Francona is leaving the team. Francona, the long time manager of the Boston Red Sox, has decided that his time has come in Boston, and it's time for him to go out and find a new team. He feels that the team didn't come together when they needed to the most. Down the stretch the Sox were 7-20 the last mouth of the season. Losing a 9 game lead for the wild card to the Tampa Bay Rays. Although the Sox didn't make the postseason, the only thing I saw that needed work on was the pitching in the last 2 mouths of the season. The hitting wasn't there as well, but it didn't look half as bad as the pitching staff did in the last mouth of the regular season. I think that the team just got sloppy near the end, they could see the postseason in their sights, just couldn't quit make it there. It did, however, make for an exciting race for October coming down the stretch. Not just for the AL, but the NL as well. Both divisions had 2 teams each fighting for that last wild card spot. Now I have a theory that I know every sports analysis is saying the same exact thing, why don't we have 4 wild card teams? This wouldn't take anything away from the game, it would only add about another 2-3 weeks on the season give or take some days, and it would make the wild card race at the end just as exciting because there will be more teams fighting for the 2 spots that are open. This is a win win for everyone. More teams get to go to the postseason, and the MLB will make more money off of the games because the season will be extended longer. I really don't see any problems with this happening, and it should happen. This is what I don't get is how so many "uneducated" people can come up with these ideas, yet all the "educated professionals" that run these organizations can't figure this out. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, that not everyone is as stupid as one might think. I know I got off topic a bit there but all in all I know the feeling will be the same for Boston fans, Francona will be missed, and we all hope whoever comes in next will fill his shoes nicely.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yankees Try to Blow Game

Hey All, This is the most exciting time for baseball fans, the last day of the regular season. This year there are 4 teams fighting for the wildcard, Boston, Tampa Bay, Atlanta, and St. Louis. Boston, Tampa Bay is in fact the most exciting race out of the four teams. If New York loses and Boston win, then Boston and Tampa Bay will go to a tie breaker game, but if Boston wins and New York wins then Boston will make the postseason. What makes this exciting is that the Yankees are playing the Rays. The game was in the bottom of the 8th inning, and New York had a 7 run lead. The Yankees, who started only their relief pitchers the entire game, walked the bases loaded, hit two batters, and gave up a grand slam homerun in the same inning. This tied the game at 7-7 and I think that the Yankees are trying to blow this game, so that they Red Sox will have to go and play the tie breaker game. The Red Sox have not fared well this late in the season against the Rays, losing the series against the Rays which got them tied for the wildcard race. In the Rays and Yankees game, which went into extra innings, was fixed down till the very end by the Yankees. They weren't running hard for the ball, they weren't throwing for the outfield, just holding the ball and letting the runners advance, and didn't have any of their starting pitchers in. They ended up losing the game in extras on a walk-off single in the bottom of the 12th inning. This got the Rays into the playoffs with the Red Sox losing in the bottom of the 9th on another walk off hit, off of the arm of Papelbon which gave Baltimore the win. This, they didn't know at the time, knocked the Sox out of the postseason. I think this is bull shit that they Yankees were that scared of the Red Sox in the post season, and didn't want to play them so they through the game. I hope they get what's coming to them and get knocked out in the first round, as they should. I just hope another NL team wins the World Series so shut up the Yankees and show them how much of cowards they really are.

Monday, September 26, 2011

NASCAR Chase For the Cup

Hey All, The NASCAR Chase For the Cup is underway and has been shaking things up as of late, and what everyone expected it to be. The raining 5 time in a row champion Jimmy Johnson has not fared well in the past couple of races thus far. Finishing 18th in Sunday's race at New Hampshire, and he rounded out the top ten in last weeks race at Chicagoland Speedway. Jimmy falls to 10th in the points and things are not looking good for a sixpete for the raining champion. One driver who is catching everyone's eyes, is that of Tony Stewart. Stewart has won the first two races of the case, which puts him in first in the points race. Kevin Harvick, Brad Keselowski, and Carl Edwards are close behind him though. If he keeps racing like he is, Tony will be the one to end the run of Johnson as champion. Another driver who has had a bit of an inconsistent start is that of Dale Earnhardt Jr. He finished in 17th at New Hampshire, but last week he finished in the top 5 picking up a third place finish at Chicagoland. Jr. has gone from 3rd in the points race down to 8th in the points. Jr. needs to have solid finishes at Dover, Kansas, Charlotte, and Talladega to even have a shot at catching Tony. I can't wait to see how these drivers will fair in the rest of the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Championship.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pens Preseason Opener

Hey all, The Pittsburgh Penguins kicked off their preseason against the Detroit Red Wings last night and were victorious by a score of 3-2. The players looked good on the ice epically the new guys, who are trying to make a spot on this team. One thing that really impressed me was how Evgeni Malkin Looked while he was on the ice. Malkin was recently coming off of getting his ACL/MCL worked on over the off season.He might be #71 in your programs, but last night he was #1 in your hearts, picking up the number one star of the game. In one shift he was able to force 3 turnovers, and on one of those even turn it into a goal. The goal tending of the penguins looked even better than what they did in camps. Mark-Andre Fleury did not look good at all in camps. He was sloppy, out of sync, and just all around awful. Not last night though, even though he only played 2 periods so that the coaches could get a look at their new players to see who will make the team. My personal opinion is the youngster on the defense. Even though he is only 18 years old, I like the way he plays. You nay Sayers think about this, one Sydney Crosby was the Pens first overall pick when he was just 18 years old. Let's just hope this kid, provided he makes the team, will take after good ol' Sid the Kid. I think if they Pens play like they are now in the regular season, they will be the ones representing the east for the Stanley Cup Finals.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Conference For Two College Teams

Hey All, I know that most of you have probably heard the news that two of the Big East teams are leaving the conference for the ACC. I don't like this move because I know that these two teams, Pitt and Syracuse, are doing it because of money. Also I think that these two just think that they are the "power houses" in the Big East, and will have a better look at a bowl game if they move. Now I know they probably won't get a better bowl game, due to the fact that I don't think that they will do very good in this conference. The ACC is no give me conference, it has some tough teams in it, way tougher than that of the Big East. Some of the teams, to name a few, are; Maryland, Miami, Clemson, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Duke, Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, and Boston College. All of these teams would crush both Pitt and Syracuse. And another thing, since they approved this move, what is going to happen with the "Back Yard Brawl"? One of the most historic rivalries in college football today is Pitt VS. WVU. This would not help the Big East ratings at all. The Big East is already a basketball conference as it is, now your taking teams out of it to move to conferences? They might as well just take the rest of the teams in the Big East and move them to other conferences, and get ride of the entire conference, for football, and just go from there. I can't wait to see how either of these teams do in their new conference, and just how next season when they move will turn out. If this is the last and final year for the "Back Yard Brawl", I am going to be one sad WVU fan.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bethany Sports Teams In Action

It was a busy day here at beautiful Bethany College this past Saturday, September 17. The Bethany College Football team had their first home game this past weekend against Washington and Jefferson College (W&J). For the first half football the Bison's looked good. Their running game was there with Matt Grimard, and Eric Walker running their bread and butter play, the read option. The score at the half was just 14-7 in favor of the W&J Presidents. This was a big improvement from years past, for the past 29 years now Bethany have lost to W&J. Everything seemed to be going the Bison's way in this game, until it was 4th and goal from the one yard line. Grimard got under center and tried to sneak it in for the score to take the lead in the game when he fumbled the snap, and the Presidents pounced on the ball. Even though it didn't give them good field position, the Presidents were able to march right down the field when time expired in the first half. Everything seemed to go down hill from there for the Bison's, countless 3 and outs and didn't seem to have an answer for the Presidents passing game. Bethany would only be able to put up one more score in the game, on a trick play. The final score in this game was 31-14 in favor of W&J. I found out later that was made this loss even worse for the Bison's was that W&J had their second team players in for the majority of the second half. Bethany will look to rebound next week when they take on Geneva in a non conference game. That wasn't the only thing going on at Bethany College, both the Men's and Women's soccer teams were in action against Muskingum College on the men's side, and for the women Marietta College. Both of which were great games, let's start on the men's side of things. The Bison's played tough in this game right to the very end. There was some questionable calls by the officials late in this game which lead to the Bison's 4th loss of the season. The men of Bethany tied the game at one after the first half of play. After the half is when things got a little bit dicey with the calls that were being made, the cards that were given out, and the outcome of the game. It all got started with a terrible call on Forward Dustin Miaolo, which lead to a penalty kick for Muskingum. After the shot was made, a red card was given to Goal Keeper Patrick Coleman, which took him out of the game and brought in Anes Bekric who's real position is Defense, not Goal Keeping. more time ticked away as the Bison were now down 2-1 in the second half of this game. They were getting good looks and even better shots, but nothing could find the back of the net. About mid way through the second half Muskingum had a obvious off-sides call, which never got called. Now I am no soccer expert and I don't act like I am, but one of the rules that I know is off-sides. It's when a player on offense gets past the last player on the Defense, and it's not on a break away. Once the players foot touches the ball, the call then should be made. This particular play happened and once the player kicked the ball it hit, now GK Anes, in the hands when he was out of the box, which is also a no no. But this shouldn't have mattered since Muskingum's player was already off-sides, so nothing should have happened. Instead they awarded yet another penalty kick for Muskingum. Once the kick was made, the official then felt the need to give a red card to Anes, and take him out of the game for his action of "illegally touching the ball". Now Bethany was forced to find one of the best players in Jeff Krek, who has never played a day, minute, second, etc. in goal. Krek did okay for his first time not letting any other balls past him. This was the final 3-1 in favor of Muskingum. Now for the Women's soccer team, who faced Marietta College. This was a great game and turned out well for the women of Bethany. The game looked to be getting out of hand after half with a score of 2-0 in favor of Marietta. The women of Bethany would not give up that easily though. They were able to come back and beat Marietta by a score of 3-2. After two amazing shots by two different Bison's players. The third goal that was awarded to the Bison's you can say was the Goal keeper's from Marietta's fault, because it was. The ball slipped though her hands and right into the goal to give the Bison's the lead 3-2 which ended up being your final score. The last thing that happened hear at Bethany College was that of our UNDEFEATED Volleyball team. The women of Bethany College's Volleyball team are having their best year ever. The Bison women have set a new school record for the best start by a volley ball team in history, 12-0. They did however face their toughest task yet in St. Vincent College. They Bison's had to come back and fight all the way to the very end. They lost the first game, lost the second, won the third by a demanding lead, and lost the fourth game which was very close. This brought up game five in the best of five game to determine the winner of the contest. The Bison fought hard and were able to pick up the win and keep their undefeated record alive. Bethany was very busy with 4 of it's sports team playing at home ending with the football team at night. Each team played hard and left everything on the field/court. Though all of them didn't come up victorious, they were still a lot of fun to watch.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Steelers Look Out of Sync

Hey All, The Pittsburgh Steelers today didn't seem like they knew they were playing in an actual game that counts. They were sloppy with the football and just looked like they had no idea what to do. The Raven just man handled them all game long. They put the pressure on early and never let up forcing over 6 turnovers in one game. The Steelers haven't given up that many turn overs since 1997 when they faced the Colts. Also Pittsburgh hasn't lost a opening day game since 2002 when they opened with the Patriots. This doesn't mean anything to me though. Baltimore is a very tough team to play, and are very relentless on defense, which they showed today. The Steelers will be able to pick it up very soon, it was only the first game. The NFL is a very long season and you cannot predict an entire season just on how a team looked in one game, epically the opener. The team is probably still rusty after a very long lock out this past off season. They didn't get to do OTA's and all the other off season stuff that they need to gel as a team again. I will admit though that the Ravens looked very strong and together as a team. They will be a very hard team to beat, like always, but I do think that the Steelers will get it together by the time these two meet again. The score will be a lot lower, the turnovers will be limited, and it will be a very close game, not a blow out like today. Pittsburgh will get it together once they are fully back into football shape. They will be the same tough team that they have always been, they have the talent to do so. I am looking forward to see how this season will turn out for them, and how well they will do in the long run.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Polamalu Overrated

Hey All,

Sorry that it has been a long time since I've posted anything, but I'm back and here we go. Today I heard the funniest thing that I think I have ever heard, in the sporting world. A Columnist for CBS said that Safety Troy Polamalu is an overrated player. This man could not be more wrong. Polamalu is by far the best Safety in the league. The only other player who could give Troy a run for his money would be Edd Reed of Baltimore. If Polamalu is an "overrated" player then how is it that he has had 6 to 7 interceptions a year, jumps over the line of scrimmage and make a tackle behind the line, and just last year was named Defensive player of the year? The answer to this question would be, he's not overrated. You don't put up the numbers that he has put up in his career and be considered to be an overrated player. Polamalu in his career has had 516 tackles, 8 forced fumbles, and 27 interceptions, and he's only played 9 years. Just last year he had 63 tackles, 1 forced fumble, and 7 interceptions. I just can't believe the nerve of this man to say such a ridiculous statement, and to post it to a high standing website like CBS. The man is a good columnist, don't get me wrong, but this is not one of his better stories. If he was doing this to get readers, he will probably loss just as many readers as he gained with this story. This "columnist" should just stick to the facts, and maybe he will gain real fans who know what they are talking about with football. Another thing he could do is, just not cover football anymore, or just pick a new team to rag on.