Sunday, September 11, 2011

Steelers Look Out of Sync

Hey All, The Pittsburgh Steelers today didn't seem like they knew they were playing in an actual game that counts. They were sloppy with the football and just looked like they had no idea what to do. The Raven just man handled them all game long. They put the pressure on early and never let up forcing over 6 turnovers in one game. The Steelers haven't given up that many turn overs since 1997 when they faced the Colts. Also Pittsburgh hasn't lost a opening day game since 2002 when they opened with the Patriots. This doesn't mean anything to me though. Baltimore is a very tough team to play, and are very relentless on defense, which they showed today. The Steelers will be able to pick it up very soon, it was only the first game. The NFL is a very long season and you cannot predict an entire season just on how a team looked in one game, epically the opener. The team is probably still rusty after a very long lock out this past off season. They didn't get to do OTA's and all the other off season stuff that they need to gel as a team again. I will admit though that the Ravens looked very strong and together as a team. They will be a very hard team to beat, like always, but I do think that the Steelers will get it together by the time these two meet again. The score will be a lot lower, the turnovers will be limited, and it will be a very close game, not a blow out like today. Pittsburgh will get it together once they are fully back into football shape. They will be the same tough team that they have always been, they have the talent to do so. I am looking forward to see how this season will turn out for them, and how well they will do in the long run.

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