Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yankees Try to Blow Game

Hey All, This is the most exciting time for baseball fans, the last day of the regular season. This year there are 4 teams fighting for the wildcard, Boston, Tampa Bay, Atlanta, and St. Louis. Boston, Tampa Bay is in fact the most exciting race out of the four teams. If New York loses and Boston win, then Boston and Tampa Bay will go to a tie breaker game, but if Boston wins and New York wins then Boston will make the postseason. What makes this exciting is that the Yankees are playing the Rays. The game was in the bottom of the 8th inning, and New York had a 7 run lead. The Yankees, who started only their relief pitchers the entire game, walked the bases loaded, hit two batters, and gave up a grand slam homerun in the same inning. This tied the game at 7-7 and I think that the Yankees are trying to blow this game, so that they Red Sox will have to go and play the tie breaker game. The Red Sox have not fared well this late in the season against the Rays, losing the series against the Rays which got them tied for the wildcard race. In the Rays and Yankees game, which went into extra innings, was fixed down till the very end by the Yankees. They weren't running hard for the ball, they weren't throwing for the outfield, just holding the ball and letting the runners advance, and didn't have any of their starting pitchers in. They ended up losing the game in extras on a walk-off single in the bottom of the 12th inning. This got the Rays into the playoffs with the Red Sox losing in the bottom of the 9th on another walk off hit, off of the arm of Papelbon which gave Baltimore the win. This, they didn't know at the time, knocked the Sox out of the postseason. I think this is bull shit that they Yankees were that scared of the Red Sox in the post season, and didn't want to play them so they through the game. I hope they get what's coming to them and get knocked out in the first round, as they should. I just hope another NL team wins the World Series so shut up the Yankees and show them how much of cowards they really are.

1 comment:

  1. Sir........... Listen the yankees did not try nd throw the game as you put it. Although I respect ur points u made here, I have to disagree, Skip Bayless. Yanks played a game that had no meaning to them. The sox had a win percentage of under .25, the worst meltdown of any team in sept. They had a double digit lead in the wildcard on Sept 3. The yanks already clinched, why would they waste starting pitching on a game that means nothing to them. They wouldnt play either of those teams in the first round. When u talk about holding on to the ball and allowing runs to score, you are misunderstanding. As a former outfielder, I can attest that you are taught to throw the ball to the base ahead of the runner. For ex: runner on first, ball hit to u, u throw to third. When A Jones got a ball hit to him, the bases we loaded, nd there was no way he was going to throw the runner out. That was I believe their 2nd or 3rd run of the game, so that wasn't that big of a deal. As a yanks fan, I will be the first one to admit, our pitching sucks. I am very happy that we didnt waste any of our starters on a pointless game. I think you forget that the Rangers are a very hot team and they could be a sleeper. Overall Sir, good stuff, although I disagree, haha, you did a good job here. Hope all is well.... Gerardi
