Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Conference For Two College Teams

Hey All, I know that most of you have probably heard the news that two of the Big East teams are leaving the conference for the ACC. I don't like this move because I know that these two teams, Pitt and Syracuse, are doing it because of money. Also I think that these two just think that they are the "power houses" in the Big East, and will have a better look at a bowl game if they move. Now I know they probably won't get a better bowl game, due to the fact that I don't think that they will do very good in this conference. The ACC is no give me conference, it has some tough teams in it, way tougher than that of the Big East. Some of the teams, to name a few, are; Maryland, Miami, Clemson, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Duke, Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, and Boston College. All of these teams would crush both Pitt and Syracuse. And another thing, since they approved this move, what is going to happen with the "Back Yard Brawl"? One of the most historic rivalries in college football today is Pitt VS. WVU. This would not help the Big East ratings at all. The Big East is already a basketball conference as it is, now your taking teams out of it to move to conferences? They might as well just take the rest of the teams in the Big East and move them to other conferences, and get ride of the entire conference, for football, and just go from there. I can't wait to see how either of these teams do in their new conference, and just how next season when they move will turn out. If this is the last and final year for the "Back Yard Brawl", I am going to be one sad WVU fan.

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