Friday, November 18, 2011

Green Bay Still Undefeadted

Hey All,

Sorry it's been so long since I've last posted anything, but I'm back and here we go.

As I'm sure most of you are aware of, the Green Bay Packers are still the only undefeated team in the NFL.This comes as a bit of a shock to most fans because of the Super Bowl curse. Most teams after winning the Super Bowl have a terrible year in the following season. But the Packers are proving that there is no curse, and that most teams just get big headed after winning it all. With Green Bay still being undefeated, all the attention is going to QB Aaron Rogers for his outstanding play. He is by far one of the best quarterbacks in the league today. His numbers are up there with Bray's, Manning, and all the greats before his time. Rogers is completing close to 80% of his passes in the month of November alone, and just over 70% for the entire season. With a passer rating of 130.7 and 28 passing TD's on the season thus far, there should be no argument that Rogers is the real deal. It's hard to say that he shouldn't be that good after sitting behind Favre for all those years just studying what he does and how he reacts, not to mention that he was allowed to sit on the sidelines and read the defense. If you sit and do that for a few seasons then I would be shocked if your numbers weren't as high as Rogers are. I think it's safe to say that he will be the NFL MVP this season and will make another trip to the Pro Bowl this season. With the remaining teams on the Packers schedule, there's no reason that they can't go undefeated throughout the regular season. There has been only one team in history to ever go undefeated throughout the entire season and that was the 1972 Miami Dolphins. It would be just mind blowing if the 2011 Green Bay Packers could take the Super Bowl in back to back years and do it with an undefeated record. I personally think that they will lose at least one game this season, but it's hard to tell with they way they are playing as of right now. I can't wait to see how this season plays out and if they can become another team to go perfect throughout the entire season.

Until next time readers
Keep doing what your doing and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

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