Monday, November 28, 2011

Steelers Make Game Look Hard

Hey All,

Last night, Sunday November 27th 2011, played the Kansas City Chiefs and made the game look harder than it should have been. This game shouldn't have even been close in my mind. The Chiefs aren't one of the better teams in the league, and the Steelers are one of the better teams in the league. Even though their season has been a bit rough at times, losing twice to the Baltimore Ravens this season. Now that they don't have the tie breaker over the Ravens for the conference title. So all this means is that they just need to win out and hope that the Ravens lose more games then they do, it's that simple. So last night should have been a great starting point for the Steelers. Just a way to pick up the passe on the winning. Now I know they won the game 13-9, but this game should of had a lot more scoring being done by the Steelers. With the talent at WR that they have in Wallace, Brown, Ward, Sanders, and Cotchery there should be no one who should be able to stop their passing attack, epically with Big Ben at QB. The running game is in a bit of trouble with injuries but shouldn't be hurting them that much. The Chiefs D isn't all that bad, but like any team have their weaknesses. Their secondary, is okay, but nothing to brag about. The Steelers WR's should have ate up the secondary and had this game in the bag, long before it started. Let's just face the facts, the Steelers on Sunday Night Football played like crap. As much as it pains me to say that they did. I hope, as I'm sure the rest of Steelers Nation does, that their season gets better every week and not worse. With the schedule coming up to the Steelers isn't that tough, but they have a tough rising team in the Bengals who have been playing great football as of late, but still a beatable team. They've beat them once already this season. They also have the Browns twice, the 49ners who are a very strong team and is going to be their only test with the last team they have on their schedule is the Rams. So at the worst they should do record wise in these last 5 games is 4-1 or 3-2 if the Bengals surprise them and come out and play like they did in the last meeting between the two teams. All in all I think the Steelers will end up winning their division over the Ravens in a close race to the post season, make the playoffs and not just the wildcard. That's not to say that they playoff's are going to be an easy test, but if they play their game, come out with that smash mouth D that everyone knows and loves, and the Offense comes to play, no one should be able to beat the Steelers in the playoff's where they play better than anyone. I can't wait to see how the season will play out and can't wait for playoff football.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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