Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Army Navy Game

Hey All,

Sorry it's been long since the last time I've posted something, it's been a very busy week and I finally have time to post something so here we go.

This afternoon it was the great American Game Army Vs Navy. This game was a lot closer than most would think. Normally this game is mostly controlled by Navy, and Navy had no different plans this year. Navy has won the last 10 meeting between the two teams, and the overall record for all time meetings with Army Navy is 56-48-7 in favor of Navy. Navy's running attack could not be stopped, and both teams Defense were not existent. The final score in this game was 27-21 in favor of Navy. Both teams run a option style Offense which can utilize the passing game, but mostly focuses on the run. Between the two teams there was over 500 yards rushing combined. This is outstanding for a football game now a days. The triple option for Navy tore through the D of Army. With the fullback either getting the or could receive a fake and then the option will be ran. Navy needed this bust and this game is the most watched by the nation. It should be known as the great American game and especially with our country in a time of war, this is what they need. A good game between two of the countries armed forces. It brings back a sense of pride in our country, and it's nice to see when both teams go over to their fellow troops to sing their song, the apposing team comes behind them in respect. It was nice to see a change of passe with Navy winning this game, and still the respect between the two teams.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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