Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Giants vs. Cowboys

Hey All,

The New York Football Giants faced the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday Night Football in a critical game for the east standings.This game would be nerve racking for the fans of both teams, as it was a back in forth battle until the very end. Both teams fought until the final tick of the clock, but in the end it was the Giants who came through and like they have 5 times this season made a fourth quarter come back. The Cowboys had a 12 point lead going into the fourth quarter and everything was looking good for the Cowboys. Eli Manning had other plans for the G men and wasn't about to let their season go down the drain. Eli had another fantastic 4th quarter and drove down the field not once, but twice to put a score on the board, including a two point conversion to give them a 3 point lead with a minute to play. But we've seen this before, just the week before to be exact, the Giants we're playing the undefeated Packers and took the lead in the fourth with a minute to go. The Giants Defense something seems to happen in the last minute of the game. My opinion is that, like most teams, they go into a prevent Defense and give up the underneath routes and yards after the catch. This gave the Cowboys enough time to get down the field and into field goal range, but the Football Giants had a time out left. With 6 seconds left on the clock the Cowboys were setting up for a last second field goal to send it into overtime. But the week before the Cowboys coach iced his own kicker and he missed it and lost the game. This time the kicker was iced but by the opposing team, after making the first one that didn't count because of a time out that was called. The second chance for the Cowboys was crushed by the player of the game in my mind, Jason Pierre-Paul. He changed his position and instead of rushing the tackle, he rushed the center, and made the block to keep the season for the Giants alive. The Giants won the game 37-34 in a very close game that in my mind at the end the Cowboys throw away. For some reason at the end of the game the Cowboys find a way to lose the game. Not to take anything away from the Giants impressive come back win over Dallas, but the Cowboys had the game in the bag a made some silly, stupid errors late in the game to lose it. If this keeps up the Cowboys will need to change things up. Weather that be with coaching change, players change, or something or another. Either way Jerry Jones should be starting to think now about what to do in the feature so that he is prepared when the time comes.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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