Tuesday, November 19, 2013

NASCAR Drivers Aren't Athletes?

Hey All,

Today I'm going to be discussing a topic that not a lot of people have a lot of opinions about. That would be if the NASCAR drivers are real athlete's? I would have to say that everyone who watches sports would have to say that they are not, but they aren't looking deeper into the sport. You people are in luck, because I am here to give you the facts and let you decide (while giving you my opinion).

This all came about when, former NFL quarterback Donovan McNabb, said that drivers are not athletes. He was mainly talking about six time cup winner Jimmy Johnson. "He's not an athlete," said McNabb. "He sits in a car... What athletically is he doing?" This would have to be one of the most ignorant quotes I've ever heard. What is he doing? Try racing a hard-to-handle a 3,400 pound stock car at nearly 200 MPH in steaming hot conditions. Sprint Cup drivers also experience  incredible G-forces while inside the car, during the race. Not to mention the risk of injury if they should crash the car, while driving 400- or 500 miles over the span of three hours, give or take. Now tell me, do you think any regular Joe could do that off the street?

Johnson did respond to McNabb's quote. "Yes, I am an athlete, and so is every driver in one of these racecars. Even Tony Stewart, even though he's carrying a little (weight), he's an athlete." Johnson went on to say, "That's just fuel for his engine." To tell you the truth, I love Johnson's response to McNabb. He got to the point and he stuck up for every driver in the sport. To make matters better, for the side of racecar drivers being athletes, car owner Rick Hendrick also had something to say to McNabb. "I'd like to see McNabb come run the Boston marathon with him or swim the lake out here," Hendrick said, referring to Johnson's fitness level. "Guys like that don't know what they are talking about." I also like what Hendrick had to say about his driver. He also added in that Johnson wouldn't have been named Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press if he wasn't an athlete.

With the facts there, the comments by McNabb, Johnson, and car owner Rick Hendrick, and the award for Athlete of the Year it's clear to say is an athlete. The facts are there people, it's hard to say that they are not athlete's. My deffinition of what isn't an athlete is if you can take a normal average Joe off the street and do the "sport". Let's take Golf, for sake of argument, anyone can do that. They might not be that good at it, but you can take anyone off the street and they can make it through 18 holes of golf. Yes, I know, everyone is going to say " but they have to walk the course". Okay, that is true, and to that I say but their not carrying their bags, someone does all the "hard" work for them, and they don't even have to pick their own clubs. Given, they might not make any final cuts, but they would finish 18 holes of golf. If you cannot take anyone off the streets and put them into the sport, and have said person finish the event, then the person who actually does the sport is an athlete. Nothing else needs to be said.

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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