Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tomlin Gets Fined 100K

Hey All,

Today there was a bit of breaking news, and that was Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin was fined $100,000 for his sideline "interference" on thanksgiving night. Now I would have to say that this fine is a bit obsessive. I get fining him, I get that what he did, wheater it was intentional or not, was wrong, but what I don't get is the price of the fine. It's a bit much if you ask me. There is no way that this infraction is worth 100K. 

The big argument in this is that he interfered with the Ravens return man. Now I've watched this from every angle possible, and no matter if Tomlin was in the way or not, Jones was getting caught. It's not like he was 5 yards ahead of the coverage team and could have walked into the end zone. There was a defender right on his heals, and closing pretty quick. 

What blows my mine about this is that there was a ref right there, and he called nothing, NOTHING! If the ref does his job and throws the flag, we wouldn't be talking about this right now. We would be finding something else to be decusing. But no, here we are talking about a ridiculous fine to an already struggling team. 

Another thing that could be added later on is that the NFL is thinking of taking away a draft pick. This would infuriate everyone in Pittsburgh and anyone who is a fan of Pittsburgh. The team needs help, and taking away a draft pick over this, is wrong on so many levels. This would just be showing how much of bullies the NFL can be. A fine is punishment enough. There is no need to punish the organization for a mistake that the coach made. Now I know that some would say that he is the face of the organization, being the coach but he wasn't doing the on purpose. He said so in his press conference after the fine was given. 

Yes, I know everyone will say that how didn't he know? Well in the heat of a game, and Tomlin watching the big screen, I can see where it could be easy to lose where you're at on the field. Now that's a stretch I know, but still 100K and a draft pick, way to kick a team when they're down. 

I really hope that the NFL thinks before they act on the draft pick. That wouldn't be right and make them look really bad. I think that the right thing will be done, no matter what the outcome. I just hope they think about this in fairness. 

Until next time,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports 

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