Thursday, February 6, 2014

2014 Olympic Games Get Under Way

Hey All,

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but never fear, I'm back and plan on staying back this time. Today I will be talking about something that doesn't happen but every four years. Yes, that's right I'm talking about the Olympic Games. I personally love the Olympics. All the countries getting together, on one stage, to decide who is the best, essentially.

The games got under way today, Thursday February 6th 2014, and due to time zone changes some events actually have finished up. Here in the states we won't get to see the what happens until it's in Prime Time. The games will come on at 8 o'clock eastern time. But luck for you I'm here to give you results before they air. Now I know you can find all this out yourself by sitting on Google and searching the Olympic games, but who has time to go through all of that, besides me?

There were 5 events that have official results as of this moment. Those event are as followed: Team Pairs Short Program, Team Men Short Program, Ladies' Moguls Qualification 1, Ladies' Slopestyle Qualification, and Men's Slopestyle Qualification.

In the Men's Slopestyle Qualifications there were a grand total of 8 Men who already qualified for the finals based on there scores. Non of these 8 men were American. The 8 Men who are in the finals are: Norwegian Staale Sandbech, Finland Peetu Piroinen, Canadian Sebastien Toutant, Great Britain Jamie Nicholls, Canadian Maxence Parrot, Finland's Roope Tonteri, Sweed Sven Thorgren, and Norwegian Gjermund Braaten. The best score out of the bunch was that of Sandbech, who put up a score of 94.50 the closest man to him was Piiroinen with a 90.75. The loan American in the the event Charles Guldemond did qualify for the semis with a best score of an 86.00. This happened in his second run which put him in the 5th position, score wise, as of right now.

To save everyone some time in reading this, and not to give to much away from the games, I will only be telling you how the American's did in the remaining 4 sports.

On to Women's Slopestyle there were four American's in the event and all four did exceptional. Two of which already has qualified for the finals. Jamie Anderson posted a score of 93.50 and gave her a good enough to get her into the finals. The other American to qualify for the finals, Karly Shorr, posted a score of 84.75. Jessika Jenson and Ty Walker both qualified for the semis, but Walker worries me a bit. She only posted a score of 1 on her first run, but did not start (DNS) for her second run. Jenson, on the other hand, only was able to post a score of 58.50. So, if I was to pick two out of the four that I like, it would be the two that don't even to have a run in the Semis.

That will do it for the Snowboarding events for the day. Now let's get to the only Skiing event for the day, and that is the Ladies' Moguls Qualification 1. Out of the 30 ladies' who participated in this event only 10 could make it to the second round of Qualifying. Those 10 are as follows: Amarican Hannah Kearney, Canadians Chloe Dufour-Lapointe and Justine Dufour-Lapointe, American Eliza Outtrim, French Perrine Laffont, KAZ Tulia Galysheva, Japan's Aiko Uemura Canadians Maxime Dufour-Lapointe and Audrey Robichaud, and Russian Regian Rakhimova. The women who posted the best time for the score would be American Kearney, with a score of 23.05. The other American in the second round of qualifying, Outtrim put up a score of 21.51. So both look good to make the finals in this event.

Men's and Women's Figure Skating are the last two events I will be talking about. In the Team Men Short Program the American Jeremy Abbott put up a score of 65.65 which was only good enough for 7th out of 10. This got America 4 points towards there team results. The Women did a bit better putting up a score of 64.25, which was good enough for 5th out of 10, and gave America 6 points towards there team score. The paring of Marissa Castelli and Simon Shnapir are the two who put up that score.

This will do it for the Olympic Events for the day. I hope this post doesn't ruin the games for any of you, but I also hope that it sparks your interest for the games tonight at 8pm Eastern Time.

As always, You keep doing what you do,
And I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

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