Friday, February 28, 2014

Pens-Hawks to Be Postponed

Hey All,

As most of you would know, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Chicago Blackhawks are scheduled to play an outdoor game at Solider Field Saturday, but weather may play a factor in if it's played or postponed. There is suppose to be a huge snow storm coming through the East Coast over the weekend. A storm that could bring up to 6-12 inches of snow. Also with the snow, it could bring winds and cold temperatures, but everyone is in high hopes that the game will go off as scheduled.

"It would have to make it unsafe, either too cold in terms of medical concerns or if it was such that the ice wasn't able to be kept appropriately so that it would be safe for the players," Bettman said.

If the game is moved, however, it wouldn't be moved far. Neither team has a game until Tuesday, therefore the game just as well could be played on Sunday or even Monday. Bettman says there's lots of plan B's but would really not want to go to them.

To read more, click the link below.

League could postpone Hawks-Pens -via SportsCenter

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