Friday, December 30, 2011

Pens v. Flyers

Hey All,

Sorry for the late post this week, but let's not waste any more time and get right to what everyone has been talking about in the NHL. Your Pittsburgh Penguins faced the Philadelphia Flyers on Thursday, 29th and this game was talked up and it lived up to the hype that it received.Everyone was waiting the return to Pittsburgh for the one and only Jaromir Jagr, but they would of rather him be in the black and gold and not orange and white. Another player who is making a return to the game was that one Max Talbot, who during the off-season was traded to the Flyers. Both these players would get a welcome, Talbot's was a little more welcoming then that of Jagr, every time he touched the puck he was booed. It also didn't help they all of the Pens big hitters were gunning for him every time he was on the ice. Well let's get into what happened in this game and see what the turn out was.

Within the first 30 seconds of the game the Pens were on the board and things were looking good for them. Until late in that period when Philly would answer back with a goal of their own. Things would only go down hill for the Pens from here. The game would end up 1-1 after the first intermission, but the Flyers getting that late goal would only give them the momentum going into period 2. After 6:03 into the second period Jagr would strike to give the Flyers a one goal lead. It didn't make matters any better that he would do his old Penguin celebration after this goal. At 16:11 into this period Matt Read would put another marker on the board for Philly to make the score 3-1, and that is how this period would come to a close. Momentum would still be on the Flyers side who came out and just looked better than the Pens Defensively. Philly just would not let the Pens make any type of passes in the Offensive zone, and the for check of the Flyers was on point in this game. In the 3rd period this game would become interesting and everything that the fans could have asked for. at 13:31 the Pens would answer and come within one of take back over this game. Tyler Kennedy would get the goal off the Assist from Evgeni Malkin, who have been playing great hockey when on the ice together. These two would be on an amazing scoring streak and would keep it going in this game. The Pens would later be deflated after pulling goalie Marc Andre Fleury to get the extra attacker. The Flyers D didn't let up after the Pens would close within one. They still played tough and got into the passing lanes still to take it away and bring it into their Offensive zone. At 19:35 Max Talbot would put the hammer down on this game getting the empty netter to put this game out of reach and give the W to the Flyers. This wouldn't and shouldn't affect the Pens that much as they were on a 4 game winning streak prior to this game. This is just one minor set back, and they got beat by a pretty good team. They should be able to bounce back after this loss and bring in the new year with a winning not again. I can't wait to see what the new year will bring for the Pens and I will be here to keep all of you up to date.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Steelers vs 49ers

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Steelers faced the San Fransisco 49ers on Monday Night Football, and this game had excitement before the game even got stared. Before this game could get started and even before the players could get on the field, a transformer blew up across the street, which caused the lights at Candlestick park to go out. This happened about 10 minutes before the players were going to take the field to get this game started, and caused a 30 minute delay in the game. Everyone in the media wanted to see who this delay would affect more. Would it affect the Steelers who traveled across the country, or would it affect the 49ers who should be use to this stuff but are a very young team. The last thing before we get into talking about the game is, would this delay affect Steelers QB Ben Rothlisberger who is playing with a high ankle sprain. Well let's take a look at what happened in this game and who got affected by the delay in the action.

In the first half of the game it would seem that the delay affected Big Ben who in the first quarter alone throw 2 picks. Ben hasn't thrown a pick in the first quarter of a game this entire season. This would normally be the beginning of the end for most teams, but not the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Defense of the Steelers would keep them in this game only giving up two field goals to give the 49ers a 6-0 lead going into the half. Everyone knew this was going to be a low scoring Defensive game, and the first half proved that prediction right. This game wasn't going smoothly by any means. With the first quarter coming to an end, yet again there was another power outage which put the game under yet another delay. Not good news for Pittsburgh, who are already having quarter back problems as it is. If these delays kept up then I'm not sure how Ben's ankle would hold up. Ben was gimpy as it was even with the pain medication he received before the game. The Steelers made a pretty nice look drive at the end of the first half to bring them down the field, to try and make this game go a little bit more their way. This was due to some silly mistakes made by the 9ers in the was of penalties. But had so miscommunication on one of the last plays of the drive letting a lot of time run of the clock before running a play. They were able to get into field goal range but time ran off the clock and that would be how the first half would end, with 2 field goals and 2 power outages.
In the second half, it wouldn't be much better for the Steelers. They just couldn't seem to move the ball on the 49ers. Although they were able to get a field goal on their opening drive of the second half, they really struggled in moving the ball. The Defense for the 9ers were just able to man handle the line of the Steelers, even playing with a man down at linebacker in Willis. San Fransisco was able to answer with a rare touchdown when they drove down to the red zone. They were able to do this twice during this half of football, once by the arm of Smith, and the second by the legs of Gore. It just seemed to be one mistake after the other for Pittsburgh in this critical game for them in their hunt for a division title and home field advantage. They would have had to of won this game, and win the rest of their up in coming games. But with everything that was going wrong, it just wasn't the Steelers day to play as they lost 20-3.
I think that all the pregame problems, Ben playing hurt, Harrison being suspended for his hit in the previous game, and the stout Defense of the 49ners was the problem for the Steelers. The 49ers are the hardest team to score on in the league, and it showed in this game. Let's see if the Steelers can bounce back and get the help they need to still win their division and clinch home field advantage in the playoffs, and make a run for the Super Bowl.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chiefs End Perfection

Hey All,

What a day of football we had today. They should rename today upset Sunday, because that's all that happened today were upsets. Let's start with one of the biggest upsets, and that is the Kansas City Chiefs ending the run to perfection of the Green Bay Packers. Yeah that's right this isn't a typo, the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Green Bay Packers and hand the Pack their first loss in a full calendar year. This game should have shocked the entire nation as no one saw this coming. Everyone thought that the Packers were going to come into this game, win it, and secure home field advantage throughout the playoffs. Let's take a look at the numbers for KC in this game. Kyle Orton, who is receiving his first start at a Chief, went 23-31 299 yards no TD's and no INT's. One TD was credited to running back Battle who only touched the ball 10 times today and had 37 yards rushing and the TD. Other than that the only other points came off the leg of their kicker Colquitt who went 4/4 with a long of 46 yards and the extra point on the TD. On the Packers side of things Rogers we 17-35 235 yards 1 TD and no INT's. Rogers also rushed for a TD late in the game to bring the packers with in 6 points in the game. The final in this game was 19-14 in favor of the Chiefs.
The Kansas City Chiefs did something today that no one thought would be done this season, and that is beat the Packers. Some key injuries for the Packers may of be one of the reason for the low score for the Packers. Two linemen went down today which made the Packers coaching staff to make some moves on the line. This made the Packers line weak and Rogers vulnerable to sacks and big hits. But that's not to take anything away from the Chiefs Defense which played out of their minds today, in my mind, to hold the Packers to 14 points. The thing, in my opinion, which caused that the Chiefs did that no one has done against the Packers, and that is finish the game. They played hard from the first snap of the ball and they didn't quit throughout the entire game. A game that stands out in my mind is the New York Giants who had the game wrapped up in the 4th quarter, but the Defense let Rogers and the Packers drive down the field for the game winning field goal. The Chiefs wouldn't let that happen, after losing their head coach they wanted to come out and play hard to show they still have it in them. Last don't count them out, mathematically the Chiefs are still in the playoff hunt, yes they need a lot of help, but still not out of the hunt. I would love to see them make it for a second time in two years. It would be a great thing for a historic franchise and would bring some life back to the city of Kansas City.
In other news around the league Colts win, Detroit comes back against the Raiders, and the Panthers upset the Texans. Four big games, four big upsets and you know everyone loves an underdog story, and today was their day.

Until next time readers,
You get doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports 

Pens Roll Sabers

Hey All,

Last night the Pittsburgh Penguins played the Buffalo Sabers and a bounce back performance, after being crushed by Ottawa Senators 6-4 on Friday the 16th. The Pens are playing with a depleted roster, with almost half of their star players out with injury. With having to call some players up from Wilkes-Barre to fill in the spots that are open due to these players being down. The Pens came out in this game and showed that they, though a young team with the players being called up, that they still are a power house team that can put points on the board. Pittsburgh came out and scored 4 straight goals before the Sabers got one by the goaltending of Fleury, and this was just in the 1st period alone. In the 2nd period it was all Penguins scoring 2 more to bring the score to 6-1 in favor of your Pittsburgh Penguins. The 3rd period that Sabers had a bit of life, but it was too little too late scoring two more goals, and the Pens were able to answer back with 2 of their own making the final score 8-3 for the Penguins.

The brightest star on the ice was was that of Evgeni Malkin who pulled a hat trick with his 3 goals and on top of that he had 2 assists. He was playing like a man on a mission after the embarrassing lose to the Senators just the night before. Malkin played with speed, power and precision to bring some life to a struggling Pens team. I think that without Malkin on the ice for the Pens they would not have won that game. If he goes down anytime soon this will mean bad news for a banged up Pittsburgh team. Let's hope that the Pens can get healthy and bring back the spark that Pittsburgh will need to get back on track for a great season.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Giants vs. Cowboys

Hey All,

The New York Football Giants faced the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday Night Football in a critical game for the east standings.This game would be nerve racking for the fans of both teams, as it was a back in forth battle until the very end. Both teams fought until the final tick of the clock, but in the end it was the Giants who came through and like they have 5 times this season made a fourth quarter come back. The Cowboys had a 12 point lead going into the fourth quarter and everything was looking good for the Cowboys. Eli Manning had other plans for the G men and wasn't about to let their season go down the drain. Eli had another fantastic 4th quarter and drove down the field not once, but twice to put a score on the board, including a two point conversion to give them a 3 point lead with a minute to play. But we've seen this before, just the week before to be exact, the Giants we're playing the undefeated Packers and took the lead in the fourth with a minute to go. The Giants Defense something seems to happen in the last minute of the game. My opinion is that, like most teams, they go into a prevent Defense and give up the underneath routes and yards after the catch. This gave the Cowboys enough time to get down the field and into field goal range, but the Football Giants had a time out left. With 6 seconds left on the clock the Cowboys were setting up for a last second field goal to send it into overtime. But the week before the Cowboys coach iced his own kicker and he missed it and lost the game. This time the kicker was iced but by the opposing team, after making the first one that didn't count because of a time out that was called. The second chance for the Cowboys was crushed by the player of the game in my mind, Jason Pierre-Paul. He changed his position and instead of rushing the tackle, he rushed the center, and made the block to keep the season for the Giants alive. The Giants won the game 37-34 in a very close game that in my mind at the end the Cowboys throw away. For some reason at the end of the game the Cowboys find a way to lose the game. Not to take anything away from the Giants impressive come back win over Dallas, but the Cowboys had the game in the bag a made some silly, stupid errors late in the game to lose it. If this keeps up the Cowboys will need to change things up. Weather that be with coaching change, players change, or something or another. Either way Jerry Jones should be starting to think now about what to do in the feature so that he is prepared when the time comes.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tebow Time?

Hey All,

Everyone is buzzing about the man of the year in Denver, Tim Tebow. He is trying to bring back life to an organization that has such a rich history. This is a man you want running the show for you when the games on the line. He has great stats in the fourth quarter. He has a Quarter Back Rating of 73.4% with in the last 2 minutes of the game, and in the fourth quarter 113.6% QBR. Now along with that he is  7-1 while a starter this season, bringing back the Broncos from a terrible start with Kyle Orton running the show. Now overall Tebow may not have the best looking stats on the planet, but that's not what makes him great. You can't just look at his numbers and say that he a terrible QB, he's only a running back with an arm, and he shouldn't be starting. Watch some of his game films, especially in the fourth quarter and tell me that you wouldn't want him to be the man in charge when the games on the line. I know if I was a coach or owner of a team, I would have been doing everything in my power to get him on my team, teach him the skills needed to be a starter, and shape my offense around him to make it successful. Now I know he throws the ball 15 times a game, and most would say that's not enough of a QB at the professional level. I would have to agree with that statement, but I know he runs the ball 25 times a game. That puts pressure on the running backs on the team, making them work harder to become better, so that a QB isn't out rushing them in a game. Willis McGahee is the one running back saying that his work ethic has improved since the Tebow Era started in Denver. He does not want to be out rushed by a QB. All in all Tim Tebow is a great QB in the NFL, and the best thing to happen for the Denver Broncos. He is producing wins, he brought their season back into great shape, and he may just bring them to the playoffs. If his Defense keeps him in the game and keep it close in the fourth quarter Tebow has the skills needed to get the job done and put a W in the Win column. Most people don't like him, but I on the other hand do and can't wait to see what he does for the rest of the season.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Army Navy Game

Hey All,

Sorry it's been long since the last time I've posted something, it's been a very busy week and I finally have time to post something so here we go.

This afternoon it was the great American Game Army Vs Navy. This game was a lot closer than most would think. Normally this game is mostly controlled by Navy, and Navy had no different plans this year. Navy has won the last 10 meeting between the two teams, and the overall record for all time meetings with Army Navy is 56-48-7 in favor of Navy. Navy's running attack could not be stopped, and both teams Defense were not existent. The final score in this game was 27-21 in favor of Navy. Both teams run a option style Offense which can utilize the passing game, but mostly focuses on the run. Between the two teams there was over 500 yards rushing combined. This is outstanding for a football game now a days. The triple option for Navy tore through the D of Army. With the fullback either getting the or could receive a fake and then the option will be ran. Navy needed this bust and this game is the most watched by the nation. It should be known as the great American game and especially with our country in a time of war, this is what they need. A good game between two of the countries armed forces. It brings back a sense of pride in our country, and it's nice to see when both teams go over to their fellow troops to sing their song, the apposing team comes behind them in respect. It was nice to see a change of passe with Navy winning this game, and still the respect between the two teams.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Two Close Games

Hey All,

So much to talk about and so little time. Yesterday there were two outstanding games in the world of the NHL and the NCAA college football world. Let's start out with the game that came on first, the Pittsburgh Penguins vs the Washington Capitals. This game is always exciting to watch as I'm sure it is to play. The Pens were still down a few players with injury. Letang and Michalek didn't even make the trip due to injury. Everyone thought that this game was not going to go good for the Pens being down their top two Defensmen. But the rest of the Defense stepped up their game to fill in for the missing players. Not only did the Defense step up their game, but the Offense played out of their minds. The Caps didn't even have a shot on goal until 9 minutes into the game, whereas the Pens had 8 and they even put one past the goalkeep of the Capitals. That is how the score would look until the second period where the Caps would get one past Marc Andre Fleury to tie the game at 1-1. Like I said the entire team would pick up their play to fill in for Letang's and Michalek's absence from the game. Simon Despres, a rookie in the NHL, would pick up his first ever point in the NHL. He would pick up this point on the an assist on the goal from Chris Kunitz to make the game 2-1 in favor of your Pittsburgh Penguins just 2:36 into the 3rd period. This would be the final score in last night game, but not without an amazing rush from the Caps who aren't trying to lose the second game in a row under a new head coach. This would be the case for the Caps though who have always seemed to have the Pens number in the regular season. Not last night, the Pens Defense made it happen and Fleury was outstanding between the pipes. This was what the Pens needed after a tough lose to the Rangers two nights before. I can't wait to see what happens when Letang and Michalek come back, and if the Pens can keep that level of play up.

Let's get to the second game shall we. The West Virginia Mountaineers faced the University of South Florida Bulls in a very critical game for both teams. For the Mountaineers a win against USF and a win by Cincinnati on Saturday could very well mean that WVU will win the Big East and and a chance at a BCS Bowl game. The stars will need to aline in order for this to happen. This game last night though would not be easy for WVU as a win by USF would send them to their 7th straight Bowl appearance. It was a Defensive game from the very beginning. There was no scoring in the 1st quarter of the game, but in the 2nd quarter is when the Offense for both teams took off. The Mounties got on the board first with a touchdown coming from the Defense on a pick 6. Then it was USF's turn on Offense to try and get something going, but the Mountaineers D said not today and forced them to punt. This is when the Special Teams for WVU picked up the game and blocked the punt and got the ball on the 10 yard line. The D of the Bulls said now it's our turn to say no, and forced a field goal from the Mounties. They would later get one more to go up 13-0 and then they would give up a TD on a spectacular catch in the end zone. At the half the Mountaineers were up 13-7 at the half. After the half USF would drive again and pick up yet another field goal, but trouble would come back around for the Bulls on the next kickoff. Austin would take the next kickoff back for a touchdown and keep the D on the field. At the end of the 3rd it was 20-13 in favor of the Neers. The game would get crazy as the Bulls would come back and take the lead 27-20 with not a lot of time left on the clock. The Mounties would come back and tie it though with under 3:00 minutes to go. The Mountaineers would stop USF for the last time with 1:13 left to go on the clock, and get the ball back and drive down the field with no timeouts left. With just seconds left on a 4th and 10 WVU's Geno Smith would connect with Bailey well inside the range of the kicker. They would set up and spike the ball with 3 seconds left. They get everything set up and the kick put it through the uprights with no time left on the clock. You couldn't have asked for a better finish and a better way to end the regular season for the Mounties. Now they just need to hope that the Barecats of Cincinnati to pick up the victory against UConn Saturday and put WVU into a BCS Bowl Game.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pens Come Close

Hey All, 

Last night the Pens tried to make an spectacular come back against the New York Rangers.The Pens jumped out to a early 1-0 lead, but that was short lived with the lack of players healthy for the Pens. The Pens Goaltender gave up an impossible to block goal in the second which lead to a whole heap of scoring for the Rangers. The Rangers got 4 goals in the second period alone and the Pens just looked flat and couldn't get any type of Offense going. The fore check wasn't there for the Pens and the Defense was non existent. The Pens however did get a bit of life with 6 seconds left to go in the second period off the stick of Evgeni Malkin after flying down the ice to get a quick long rebound. This gave the Penguins life when Geno made a nice play to make the score at the intermission 4-2 in favor of the Rangers. The momentum was all on the Pens side coming into the 3rd Period. The 3rd period looked like the Pens who came to play in the first period of this game. The fore check was there and the Defense was outstanding, especially the penalty kill who had to kill 4 straight penalties in a row, two of which were 5 on 3. The Penguins got a quick goal to make the score 4-3 still in favor of the Rangers but the goalkeeping of New York picked up the passe to make that the final score of the game. Pittsburgh did not look like the team everyone knows and loves. They were committing stupid unnecessary penalties, and not playing D. Now I know everyone will play it on Kris Letang being out as well as  Zbynek Michalek  with injuries. This has nothing to do with how the Pens play, yes they are the two best Defensmen that they Pens have, but they are not the whole team. This can't be the way it goes for the Pens if they lose a game. They can't just look at who's out for them and say "oh that's the real reason we lost because we're missing a few players." NO! That's not the way it is, you buck up stick your other players in there who were good enough to make the team and good enough to play so they should be able to fill the role. This has been the alkalies heal of the Pens for years. I know I said if they can stay healthy they will continue to win games, well looks like I was right. If they don't stay healthy every game is going to be a struggle, simple as that. I hope they play better tonight against the Caps who with their new coach don't look like the same Washington Capitals everyone knows and loves to hate. I'll keep you up to date after the game tonight and looking forward to the Pens coming back after a tough lose last night.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Saints Roll Giants

Hey All,

Last night, November 28th 2011, on Monday Night Football the New Orleans Saints crushed the New York Giants. At the start of the game I thought that it was going to be a good close game, with the Giants stopping the Saint inside the red zone when they tried and faked a field goal. The final total does not really do this game justice. The final in this game was 49-24, and I'm surprised that the Giants even got that main points on the board. The Saint were just on top of their game last night, and were not going to get stopped. Drew Brees just makes it look too easy out there. Brees went 24-38 passing with 363 yards 4 TD and no INT's. That's what most would call and great day. Even though the Saints didn't get anything going until the second quarter, where they put up 21 points alone. They still looked good out on the field. The pass rush of the Giants just couldn't get to Brees and he was able to pass all over their secondary. I feel that most should have predicted how this game was going to turn out. I don't think that most predicted that it was going to be this bad. The Giants Offense isn't as bad as most would think it is. Yes they are struggling with the running game with Bradshaw being hurt and out, but Jacobs is a strong powerful back who can carry the load of an Offense. Also being hurt is WR Mario Manningham who is a big threat down the field. The Giants do have a strong group of WR's with Hicks, and Cruse. Two every explosive receivers who can get the job done. All in all the Saints looked like they are in late season form and the Giants are battling injury's, which is why this game turned out the way it did in a blow out. Both teams are very good but this year I don't see the Giants making the playoff's but I do see the Saints rolling right on into the playoffs. We'll see how the rest of the season plays out and who will be in and who will be out.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Steelers Make Game Look Hard

Hey All,

Last night, Sunday November 27th 2011, played the Kansas City Chiefs and made the game look harder than it should have been. This game shouldn't have even been close in my mind. The Chiefs aren't one of the better teams in the league, and the Steelers are one of the better teams in the league. Even though their season has been a bit rough at times, losing twice to the Baltimore Ravens this season. Now that they don't have the tie breaker over the Ravens for the conference title. So all this means is that they just need to win out and hope that the Ravens lose more games then they do, it's that simple. So last night should have been a great starting point for the Steelers. Just a way to pick up the passe on the winning. Now I know they won the game 13-9, but this game should of had a lot more scoring being done by the Steelers. With the talent at WR that they have in Wallace, Brown, Ward, Sanders, and Cotchery there should be no one who should be able to stop their passing attack, epically with Big Ben at QB. The running game is in a bit of trouble with injuries but shouldn't be hurting them that much. The Chiefs D isn't all that bad, but like any team have their weaknesses. Their secondary, is okay, but nothing to brag about. The Steelers WR's should have ate up the secondary and had this game in the bag, long before it started. Let's just face the facts, the Steelers on Sunday Night Football played like crap. As much as it pains me to say that they did. I hope, as I'm sure the rest of Steelers Nation does, that their season gets better every week and not worse. With the schedule coming up to the Steelers isn't that tough, but they have a tough rising team in the Bengals who have been playing great football as of late, but still a beatable team. They've beat them once already this season. They also have the Browns twice, the 49ners who are a very strong team and is going to be their only test with the last team they have on their schedule is the Rams. So at the worst they should do record wise in these last 5 games is 4-1 or 3-2 if the Bengals surprise them and come out and play like they did in the last meeting between the two teams. All in all I think the Steelers will end up winning their division over the Ravens in a close race to the post season, make the playoffs and not just the wildcard. That's not to say that they playoff's are going to be an easy test, but if they play their game, come out with that smash mouth D that everyone knows and loves, and the Offense comes to play, no one should be able to beat the Steelers in the playoff's where they play better than anyone. I can't wait to see how the season will play out and can't wait for playoff football.

Until next time readers,
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports.

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Much to Talk About

Hey All,

I'm not even sure I know where to start and this Holiday weekend of sports. So I guess I'll just start with something I'm sure 90% of Americans watched yesterday, on Thanksgiving, football.The NFL featured 3 games yesterday, the Lions vs the Packers, the Cowboys vs the Dolphins, and the highlight of the night the Ravens vs the 49ers. Let's start with the first game of the day, Lions vs Packers. This game started out and should have shocked everybody. The Lions Defense shut down the Packers Offense for almost the entire first half. Hell at the end of the first half it was 7-0 Packers, which is the lowest points they have scored in a half of football this entire season. Everything was going the Lions way in the first half until Stafford throw his first INT of the day. This put the Pack on the 20 of Detroit going in to score. Not a problem for the raining Super Bowl Champs. I was surprised to see that when coming into the second half; A the score and B how flat the Lions looked after such an amazing first half. It was no time until the Pack had a lead of  14-0, then 21-0, then 24-0 they just couldn't stop the Packers Offense. The biggest help was Defensive tackle Nadamukong Suh did by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen done on a football field in my life. He didn't like being blocked, so instead of just taking it like a man, he decides to get up and stomp on the offensive lineman's arm. The sad part is he had the nerve to argue this call. He even went to a press conference after the game and still claimed that he "wasn't intentionally stomping on the players arm, I was just trying to get up and get my balance." Suh said. Which is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard in my entire life. He needs to just watch the replay and he will clearly see that there's nothing he can argue that will change anyone's mind. He's still going to get a fine and probably suspended for a few games. Needless to say with the Lions best Defensive player out they lost the game 27-15, but the score doesn't do the Packers justice they man handled the Lions the entire game.
Game #2 Cowboys vs Dolphins: probably one of the better games that happened this Turkey day. This game went down to the wire, and though nothing exciting like a player getting ejected, the final in this game was 20-19 in favor of the Cowboy's. Now I'm not the biggest Cowboy fan in the world, but they got lucky against the Fins in this game, it was theirs to lose. With a score of 10-6 at halftime in favor of the Cowboy's most would say that it was theirs to lose, but the Dolphin's came out and put 10 on the board in the 3rd quarter alone to make the score 16-10 in favor of the Dolphin's. The 4th quarter is where this game gets interesting, with players making spectacular catches for Dallas and the D for Miami not really showing up. Miami had a lead of 19-17 going into the last minute of the game when Dallas decided they weren't going to lose to Miami, arguably one of the worst teams in the league. The Cowboys drove all the way down the field to score a game winning field goal with no time left on the clock and spoil Miami's Thanksgiving day upset.
Game #3 Ravens vs 49ners. This game was so boring that I actually fell asleep to it before it was even midway through the 3rd quarter and didn't wake up until they were past the post game show, and onto Sports Center. All I know is that everyone made such a big deal about the two coaches being brothers that no one stopped to realize that hey, maybe these teams are very evenly matched defensively. Through the first 3 quarters there were 4 field goals kicked and made by both teams combined. Making it an outstanding 6-6 game going into the 4th quarter. A score that resembles a baseball game. It wasn't until the 4th when Baltimore decided that they were tired of playing with this team and were going to take it down and score the only touchdown of the game, and end up beating the 9ers 16-6. You really can't take this one away from both defense's who played an amazing game. All in all I guess it is true what they say, Defense wins Championships, and that's all there is too it.

Next on my list of things to talk about is the Backyard Brawl, Pitt vs WVU.This game couldn't have been more frustrating for both teams fans. Between WVU turning the ball over 4 times and putting Pitt in scoring position 4 times. It also didn't help that the special teams for WVU was the worst showing I have ever see. The Defense for WVU did decide that they wanted to play some ball tonight and hold Pitt to field goals on all but one of those turn overs. Pitt hand an outstanding lead of 20-7 until WVU decided that they were not going to lose probably the last meeting between the two teams with the conference mix up that is going on right now. WVU drove down the field not once, but twice to seal their victory 21-20 over Pitt, which had to leave a very, very bad taste in Pitt's mouth after receiving the ball in WVU territory 4 separate times, and only being able to show field goals for it. Now within this game there was something that should have drove ever fan of the sport crazy. That would be the play of the punter for WVU, who couldn't kick a ball in this game to save his life. He couldn't have been averaging over 25 yards a punt. To the point where the coaching staff had seen enough in the first half, and benched the kick because he was doing so badly. This is funny to me because this kick has been doing this for the past 10 weeks and now they wise up and decide to pull him. He would have been cut from my team weeks ago if I was a D1 coach. You have one job, and that is to kick a ball, nothing else. That's all he does at practice and all he does in a game, KICK A BALL! If you are going to school for free at a D1 school like WVU and you can't do that, sorry about you luck kick but your cut if you play for me. Now as much as it pains me to say this being a WVU fan, they got lucky in this game and should have ended up with a loss. WVU played like straight shit the entire game. Geno Smith, I have a bit of help for you.
Smith is no runner, he has proven that by his running out of bounds 2 to 3 yards short of a first down. He has a nice arm, but makes very poor decisions when the games on the line. That is just facts, just watch the game films and you will agree with me. But all in all WVU did pull through and pick up the win tonight and kept their hopes at the Big East title alive, along with a BCS bowl game. Something they will needed badly if they plan on moving to the Big 12 next year. I hope everything works out for them and they make a strong run at the Big East title just to prove to people that they can pull through when they need it most.

Until next time readers
You keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date withe everything sports.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sid Returns

Hey All,

Yesterday, November 21st, 2011, was the great return of of Sidney Crosby to the Pittsburgh Penguins. This has been long over due, 8 months to be exact.This couldn't have came at a better time for the Pens. With a lot of their big name guys going down, and not playing they way they normally play when Crosby is in the game, the Pens were more than happy to see Sid back on the ice. He couldn't have returned in a bigger way, scoring 4 points in the 5-0 win over the New York Islanders. Crosby scored the first goal of the game, and didn't look back from there. Sid had 2 assists and 2 goals in this game, all of witch came on his back hand. The entire pens line up seemed to just come out and play at a much higher level then they played without him in the starting line up. Everyone, including goaltender Marc Andre Fleury who shut out the Islanders, played like they did when they won the Stanley Cup. Staal, Malkin, Cooke, Neal, everyone on the line up including the new guys on the team looked like they had a new life to them. If the Pens can stay healthy then I think they will make yet another run to the Stanley Cup Finals and win regardless of who they play. If they look and play as hard as they did last night, then there is nothing that can stand in their way and no one in the entire NHL will even come close to matching this team goal for goal. I hope they can stay healthy and stay out of trouble so that once again we can see Sid The Kid lift Lord Stanley's Trophy for the second time since he did in 2009.

Once again readers keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

Monday, November 21, 2011

What A Finish!!!

Hey All,

If you are a fan of anything, then you loved the finish yesterday (November 20th, 2011) in the NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Homestead. There were two drivers in the running to win the championship, two time winner Tony Stewart and never before winner Carol Edwards. Edwards, who started on the pole thought his chances were good with the car he had at the track yesterday. Steward on the other hand was starting in the 15th position, and would have to fight to make it to the front. The race started with Edwards taking the lead and not looking back. Tony fought to get to the front when trouble stuck it's evil head out. Kurt Bush blows a transmission bringing out the caution. When the pack come down to the pits Tony had a hole in his grill. The crew had to work very hard in order to get this problem fixed and keep him on the lead lap. Stewart had to go all the way to 40th and once again, would have to fight to make his way to the front of the pack. He would work his way all the way up into the 15th spot when the caution came out again. This time for the rain that hit the track, this would not be the only time the race was delayed for rain. Stewart once again has to make long pit stops to fix his grill and once again would have to go back to 40th and work yet again to the front. He would do just that, and just knife through the field and work his way back to the front of the pack. Carol mean while has been leading the race throughout all of this. But lap 110 of 267 the red flag would come out for rain and the race would be stopped until it stops. After an extensive break the race would get back under way with Carol in the lead. After a long green flag run, it was time for scheduled green flag stops. Carol would make his scheduled stop, and Tony would stay out and take the lead and lead some laps to get the bonus points needed to take the lead in the points standing. This would play out to be the best decision Tony has made all season long. Stewart would come go into the pits for his scheduled green flag stop, but the caution would ream it's ugly head once again. Now Stewart has a full tank of gas, four fresh tires, and is good to go till the finish. Edwards on the other hand, does not have the gas to make it 'till the end. He would have to come down pit row under caution and fill up to make it to the end. This puts Kyle Bush in first, Martin Truex Jr. in second, Tony Stewart in third, and would leave poor Carol Edwards in fifth, starting right behind Tony Stewart on the restart, with 40 laps to go. Once the green flag dropped Stewart took off like a bat outta hell moving around Bush to take the lead and Carol was right behind him. Stewart's four fresh tired were better than Edwards two and Stewart would hold the lead to the end to win the race. This meant that there was a tie in points between Edwards and Stewart for the Championship. Stewart had one 5 races in the chase for the cup to give him the tie breaker over Edwards to win, and be the first man in 5 years to beat Jimmy Johnson for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Championship. Tony is the first Owner Driver to win the chase since 1962. This was a huge win for Stewart and his entire team since he thought he was just going to "take up space in the case" with the way he ran in the regular season not winning one race. It was a great way for the season to end and made for a great race for the last race of the NASCAR season. I'm already excited for next season to see what unfolds and how Carol Edwards handles losing in the way that he did. As always keep doing what you do, and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports. Until next time readers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

NASCAR Final Race

Hey All,

It all comes down to this, the last race the the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Two drivers, who aren't named Jimmy Johnson, are in the running to be the man who d-crowns Johnson for the Championship. Carol Edwards and Tony Stewart are within 3 points of one another sitting in positions 1 and 2. As they come down to the final race at Homestead Miami. Both drivers are hungry for a win and especially since it's for the Championship. Stewart, when asked if he would wreck a driver to win, he responded with "I would wreck my mother to win, hell I'd wreck your mother to win." Both men got a laugh out of this comment, but I think that's the attitude that you need to have when going into such a huge race. If you go in saying that you wont be an aggressive driver then you're just going to get run right off the road. Everyone knows that both "smoke" and Edwards are aggressive drivers, but I think we are going to see a different style of racing between the two on Sunday, November 20th. Smoke and Edwards are two very big name drivers, who are doing everything they can to get a win and take home the trophy as the NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion. I can't wait to see which driver will give it everything they've got, drive hard, and be the first man in 5 years to win the the Championship who's name isn't Jimmy Johnson.

In other news around NASCAR, Dale Earhart Sr's memorable #3 car will be returning to NASCAR. Richard Childress will be bringing back the black #3 to the Sprint Cup. This will be the first time since 2000 that the his car will be on the track. It's been run in the Truck Series, and next season will be in the Nationwide Series, and within a few years it will be returned to the Sprint Cup. When Jr. was asked if he cared if the car was ran again, he responded with "I wouldn't care if the car was ran again. I don't think that a number should be subject to one person. It wouldn't bother me one bit." Which is the proper response, I would love to see Jr. leave Hendrix Motor Sports and go to Childress Racing and run the #3. If he would make the move to would be the driver to watch for next season for the cup in  my mind. He would be getting the best cars for every track and the best set up, plus the best crew to produce wins. I can't wait to see how this all pans out in the next couple of years and can't wait to see the #3 back in action.

So keep doing what your doing readers, and I'll keep you up to date with everything Sports.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Green Bay Still Undefeadted

Hey All,

Sorry it's been so long since I've last posted anything, but I'm back and here we go.

As I'm sure most of you are aware of, the Green Bay Packers are still the only undefeated team in the NFL.This comes as a bit of a shock to most fans because of the Super Bowl curse. Most teams after winning the Super Bowl have a terrible year in the following season. But the Packers are proving that there is no curse, and that most teams just get big headed after winning it all. With Green Bay still being undefeated, all the attention is going to QB Aaron Rogers for his outstanding play. He is by far one of the best quarterbacks in the league today. His numbers are up there with Bray's, Manning, and all the greats before his time. Rogers is completing close to 80% of his passes in the month of November alone, and just over 70% for the entire season. With a passer rating of 130.7 and 28 passing TD's on the season thus far, there should be no argument that Rogers is the real deal. It's hard to say that he shouldn't be that good after sitting behind Favre for all those years just studying what he does and how he reacts, not to mention that he was allowed to sit on the sidelines and read the defense. If you sit and do that for a few seasons then I would be shocked if your numbers weren't as high as Rogers are. I think it's safe to say that he will be the NFL MVP this season and will make another trip to the Pro Bowl this season. With the remaining teams on the Packers schedule, there's no reason that they can't go undefeated throughout the regular season. There has been only one team in history to ever go undefeated throughout the entire season and that was the 1972 Miami Dolphins. It would be just mind blowing if the 2011 Green Bay Packers could take the Super Bowl in back to back years and do it with an undefeated record. I personally think that they will lose at least one game this season, but it's hard to tell with they way they are playing as of right now. I can't wait to see how this season plays out and if they can become another team to go perfect throughout the entire season.

Until next time readers
Keep doing what your doing and I'll keep you up to date with everything sports

Sunday, October 23, 2011

All around the NFL

Hey All,

It was a busy exciting day around the NFL today, with a lot of close games, the usual blow outs, and even a game over seas. Let's start with the game overseas, with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Chicago Bears playing in London. This game didn't start well for the Bucs, turning the ball over and giving up points on the first possession of the game. Josh Freeman didn't have the day he should have had throwing 3 INT's and only 2 TD's. But the Bucs didn't give up after going down 14-5 in the first half. Now I know what your thinking, 5 as a first half score in football? Yes the Bucs D got in there and picked up a safety in the first quarter of the game. Chicago did not give up either during this game, they put up a touchdown in the first 3 quarters of this game, but could only manage a field goal in the 4h. That was all that was needed to finish off the Bucs in this game, even after Tampa put up 13 points in the 4th quarter. The final in this game was 24-18 in favor of the Bears in a hard fought second half of this game in London. I think, personally, the NFL shouldn't have regular season games overseas. Preseason on the other hand, that would be okay, because it would be a great experience for the players who are trying to make the team. Most players in the NFL don't like making long plane on away game in the States, let alone going outside the country to play a game. Given most of the players love playing overseas and think that it's really fun and can't wait to get there, but this is just my opinion.

The game that was the blow out today was that of Tennessee Titans and the Huston Texans. The final score in this game was 41-7 in favor of the Texans, which shouldn't surprise anyone who watches football this season. Matt Schaub had himself a day 18-23, 296 yards, 2 TD's, and no INT's. Foster also had a fantastic day running the ball. He had 115 yards on 25 carries and 2 TD's, and that was just him running the ball. He was also the leading receiver on the team today with 5 catches 119 yards and a TD, this is unbelievable for one man to be the leading rusher and leading receiver in the same game.Tennessee just couldn't get anything going in this game with Chris Johnson having under 31 yards rushing and no TD's, plus he had 6 catches but only 27 yards to show for that. Not a good day when your stars can't seem to get anything going for you.
There was another game that was a blow out and that is the game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. This game changed pas a few times throughout the entirety of the game, first the Steelers went up by 14 early, then the Cards came back and made a game, then the Steelers just ran away with it in the second half. The final score in this game was 32-20, now I know the score doesn't show that it was a blow out, but the way the game went did. The second half of the game the Steelers only allowed Arizona to score 13 points, compared to the 7 that was allowed in the first half. Arizona did keep the running game of the Steelers in check only allowing Mendenhall to rush for 32 yards on 13 attempts. This was much needed for the Pittsburgh Steelers who just can't seem to get anything going on the road this season. This should have brought some life to the Steelers team as a whole getting into a routine and staying in it for the entire game. If they can keep this up for the rest of the season then they will have no trouble making a playoff run this season.

All the games today were fun to watch and kept everyone who watched them interested throughout the day. Whether it be Tim Tebow getting his first start this season, or all the blow outs that happened, or even all the games that were too close for comfort anyone who is a football fan should have been too excited to handle it today. If every week turns out like today did then the lock out would have been well worth it and everyone will come back and love football that much more.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

WVU Looks Bad

Hey All,

Now I'm a huge WVU fan, but last nights game against Syracuse they didn't come to play. If you can give up 46 points and expect to win the game, you are sadly mistaken. The offense wasn't putting up points and the defense wasn't stopping anyone from putting up points for the other team. That seems to be the problem with WVU football, they play down to the team that they are playing. If they are playing a great team, then they play great. If they are playing a terrible team, then they play terrible. It's sad to admit that, but the truth hurts sometimes. If they can figure out how to play the type of football that everyone knows they are capable of playing, then they would be unstoppable. Under new coaching staff, I thought this was going to be the year that they make a undefeated run for a BCS game. That doesn't look like it's going to happen this year, but the team has a lot of young talent and can be good for a long time. The only problem is now everyone's trying to get out of the Big East Conference, which is making it become very weak. WVU, in order to be a contender for a title, needs to switch conferences and they need to do it fast. The Big East isn't going to be around much longer, and is now not considered a power house like it looked like it was becoming. Since WVU was turned down by the ACC it's now time to look for other conferences to be a part of. The SEC is a good one, but they wouldn't fair well in that conference. The Big 12 might be the best place for the Mountaineers to call home for next season. The teams are tough, in the Big 12, but beatable for the Mountaineers. It's a big named conference witch will help the Mountaineers in many different ways; it will bring in more recruits, give WVU the schedule they need to make a run for the BCS title, and it will let everyone know what they are made of. This team can be one of the teams to beat, they just need to do the right things in order for that to happen. Moving conferences is just the first step in a list of things that need to happen. Once they put the proper pieces to the puzzle together, they will become a great team for years to come.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Steelers Fight Till The End

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Steelers looked like they had the Jacksonville Jaguars down for the count in the first half of the game, but that wasn't the case. At halftime of this game Pittsburgh was up by a score of 17-3 and looked like they were just going to cruse to the finish of this game. The Jags thought otherwise, and weren't going to give up this game without a good fight. They came back and made the final score 13-17, too close for my taste. I don't know what is going on with the Steelers defense but they need to figure it out, figure it out quickly. Gabbert had okay numbers nothing to be too impressed with. He was only 12-26, 109 yards, 1 TD and no INT's. Marcus Jones-Drew came close to getting 100 yards rushing, something that doesn't happen too often with the Steelers D. They don't like to give up yards on the ground, but Jones-Drew wanted to one of the players that is on the exception part of that list. The D can't start to sleep out there like it seems to happen almost ever game in the second half. There can't be that many teams that are "second half teams", it just can't be. The Steelers use to be known as one of the best teams in terms of defense, now there about middle of the row in that category. The secondary is one of the weak points on the D, Polamalu can't be everywhere on the field, though he is fast enough to be, but that's besides the point. If the Steelers D doesn't start to step it up and play like everyone knows how that are capable of, the season is just going to get longer and longer. I hope they can find a way to fix this problem and fix it fast, so that they can make the postseason and another Super Bowl run like they did last season. Let's pray for the best and root our Steelers on as the season goes on.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Penguins Lose Close One

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Penguins lose a very close game against the Washington Capitals tonight in overtime (OT) after coming back from a goal down in the 3rd to tie the game. The Pens played a great game tonight against one of their fierce rivals in the Washington Capitals. Then Pens went up by a goal early in the game, with 17:13 left in the 1st period, after that it was all Washington. The Caps came back and got the tying goal and kept up the pressure on the Pens for the rest of the game. Going up by a goal in the 3rd just 40 seconds into the period, off the stick of Alex Ovechkin , the player everyone loves to hate. I'll be the first to admit I can't stand Ovechkin, don't get me wrong he's a great player, I just don't like his attitude when he's on the ice. He's cocky, he thinks he rules the ice, and does what most players should do and think they are the best player out there. He is probably one of the hardest hitters out there today, but he does take a few cheap shots. But enough about him, the player for the Pens who really showed up today was James Neal, a player no one knew would come out so hot. The first goal scored for the Penguins was off of his stick, and tonight was no different. Neal was the only one to score today, both goals tonight came off the stick of Neal. Now Neal is the kind of player that Pittsburgh should try and keep around for a long time. He can get your team 25 goals a year and will play till the very end. Neal scored the tying goal to bring the game into OT. This is something that seems to haunt the Pens this year is overtime. This is the 3 time in four games that the Pens have gone into and one went into a shoot out witch they lost to the Vancouver a team that was in the Stanley Cup Finals. Let's hope that they Pens can get over this down fall and finish the games in regulation. Even though they lost tonight everything should get better as the man everyone's been waiting for will be returning sooner than later. Crosby was in full contact today in a stake around for the first time since his injury last season. This is great news, just a few more practices and he should be ready for game day by Tuesday the 18th. I can't wait for his return and I'm sure non of you can either.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Steelers Roll Titans

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Steelers had one great day against the Titans Sunday winning the by the score of 38-17. One of the key factors, in my mind, was that defense playing like everyone knows and loves. They just down the stud Chris Johnson, who just couldn't get anything going since the opening drive where he got 22 yards on one carry. It seems to me that the defense realized that they had to get it done because of how banged up the offensive line is for the Steelers. Ben Roethlisberger looked good, and the line protected him all game long. Ben was 24-34 for 228 yards, 5 TD's, and only 1 INT. The INT shouldn't even have happened, it was at the end of the half and was just a little miss communication between Ben and his receiver, but it didn't matter. Surprisingly a man who hasn't seem that much time at running-back Dwyer had 11 touches for 107 yards, and he wasn't even the starter. Another runner for the Steelers Redman, getting his first start, touched the ball 15 times for 49 yards, which for him is a good day. Redman isn't that breakout running who's going to cut it back and run it up and beat you with his speed. He's the type of runner who is going to go through you, he doesn't get taken down by the wimpy arm tackles. One other stat that surprises me is that the Steelers only punted one time, Sepulveda only had one punt for 48 yards. Sepulveda did have one pass on a fake punt which was taken for 30 yards. All in all the Steelers played good and looked good all game long. If they can keep this up, I think they will turn this season around, and make it into a winning one. They just need to stay healthy, protect Big Ben, and play shut down D and the season will look good for them.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Pens Start Opener With A W

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Penguins started their season last night against the Vancouver Cancucks and it was a game to remember. The Pens came out looking ready to play and showed that this season is going to be different then the last one. The Pens came out ready to play from the drop of the puck, and showed everyone that speed kills in this league. One of the main reasons, I think, they looked so good was the fact that they had most of the "stars" back from injury/suspensions. Malkin looked like his knee was holding up well and he looked stronger than ever. Flying around the ice letting everyone one in the league know that he was back with a purpose. Also all the young players they acquired looked very good. With every shift the Pens looked strong and together, especially the 4th line. When the 4th line was on the ice the Cancucks looked like they had no answer for the strength of that line. The first goal of the game came off the stick of James Neal with a lucky bounce from an impossible angle. Neal is looking to prove himself to this team, when he was acquired to the team he only put one puck behind the goalkeeper in 20 games last season. In last nights game he matched his total with the Pens scoring the first goal of the season for the Pens. The second goal came off the stick of Matt Cook, who is playing a bit different then fans would remember, after sitting out the rest of the season last year after a shot to the head of another player down the stretch. Cook had 2 of the Pens 3 goals in regulation, one of witch being a shot handed goal, the first goal was a Power Play goal. Although Flury gave up 3 goals in this game I think he looked very strong. His save percentage was .0914, which is right around last seasons average for him. He made some spectacular saves flying around the night, like the Flury we all know and love. I look for the Pens to have a great season after winning the game in a shot out last night against the runner ups in last years Stanly Cup Finals. Once Crosby comes back to the game, which should be very soon, the Pens will be better than ever.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Colts Fall to 0-4?

Hey All,

The Colts are having the worst start to their season in history.  Since 1999 their QB has been Payton Manning, and they have been unstoppable with him in the line up. He knows how to run the offense, and is basically the offensive coordinator. Without him running the show, they are the worst team in the league to this point. No one on that team can run the offense like Payton did. The young kid Painter that got his first NFL start, in 3 years of being on the team, did a fantastic job at running the offense. Unfortunately it wasn't good enough to stop the very hot Tampa Bay Buccaneers, beating the Colts by a score of 24-17. The Bucs did it in the normal fashion that they have been all year, and that his by a late game come back. QB Josh Freeman is an up in coming star in the NFL. At 6'6" and 265 LBS he is defiantly in the running for one of the biggest QB's in the league. It doesn't hurt that he is a good runner as well as he is a passer. Throwing for over 200+ yards last night, on Monday Night Football, and 2 touchdowns, one of witch he ran in from the 1 yard line. He is one of the calmest QB's under pressure, he doesn't panic, and he can just out right play some football. In his High School years he play fullback, and since then been converted to a quarterback, which most will not argue wasn't the worst decision in the world for him. Now I don't know how the Colt's didn't come back in this game to win? The Buccaneers had 12 penalties for over 100 yards. Any team who makes that many mistakes, shouldn't be the winner in the game. Yet some how, like always, the Bucs pulled it out and fought till the very end of the game. It doesn't hurt to have a running game like the Bucs do with Blount in the back field. A big bruising runner who has quick feet and can beat you with his speed all well as his power. He rushed for over 100 yards and scored a touchdown as well. I look for this  Buccaneers team to be good in the feature, because they are the youngest team in the league.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Steelers Look Terrible

Hey All,

The Pittsburgh Steelers look completely terrible in today's game. The line couldn't block for Ben to save their lives, the defense couldn't stop the running game of Huston, and the offense just couldn't move the ball against the defense of the Texans. They should be embarrassed about the way they looked in the game. If this is how the rest of the season is going to go, it's going to be a long one. The one thing I saw that needs the most work, and I'm sure everyone knows this, is the line. I think a small child could get past this line, no one knows how to block apparently. Ben was under pressure all game long. If the Steelers want to make a playoff run again this year, they need to do a lot of work with the line, and hope that everyone stays healthy. Mendenhall left this game with an apparent hamstring injury, this isn't good for the Steelers. Mendenhall is the best running back that Pittsburgh has. Now I know Redman, and Moore are tough runners, but they are not the same type of runner that Mendenhall is. Redman is the strong back when we need to pick up a yard or so, like The Bus use to be when he was still in the league. Let's hope for their sake that everyone gets back to being healthy and they get back on the winning side of things. As for right now, doesn't look good for the Pittsburgh Steelers this season.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

WVU Rolls over Bowling Green

Hey All,

WVU vs. Bowing Green today was completely one-sided for all of the first half. WVU forced 4 turnovers, 3 interceptions 1 fumble, and scored 17 points off of those turnovers. At first it looked like Bowling Green was going to make a game out of this until, I think, they angered the Mountaineers and they just went off on them. When the game first kicked off and the Mountaineers could only get a field goal out of it made me, and I'm sure the rest of the Mountaineer faithful a bit worried. Then on the next kickoff Bowling Green took it back to WVU's 18 yard line, where it only took them one play to score a touchdown. After that forced a punt from WVU and drove down to get a field goal to make the score 10-3 in favor of Bowling Green. Since then WVU's defense wasn't going to allow that to happen again, stopping Bowling Green's offense with the 4 interceptions. WVU scored the next 17 unanswered points off of 3 of those turnover's, the 4th coming at the end of the 2nd quarter. WVU went into the half with the lead 38-10, with the offense and defense playing the way they are this spelled great things to come for the second half. However, it looked like the 2nd half would start the same way that the first half did, with a fumble, but after the officials review the knee was down and WVU kept the ball. I think that they saw something on the scouting report with Bowling Green's defense, with the running game, because the Mountaineers came out running and really never stopped the entire game. This was the most touches that the running backs for WVU have gotten so far this season, and it went well for them, running all over the Hawks defense. On the first drive of the game WVU drove down the field to score, on the ground for Garrison's 2nd rushing TD of the game. He also has rushed for 250 yards this game, and is a freshman, which if I'm not mistaken is a record for a freshman running back. Geno Smith in the first half was 14-25 with 212 yards passing and 3 TD's, so I think it's safe to say that the offense is clicking for the Mountaineers. The Mountaineers had 640+ yards of offense in this game alone, to win big in this game 55-10. The next coming games on WVU's schedule should be easy wins up until they get to the biggest game of the year, PITT. This game always brings excitement and you never know how it will turn out. I can't wait to see how the rest of the season goes for the Mountaineers.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Terry Francona to Leave The Red Sox

Hey All,

It's a sad day in Boston, not because the Red Sox didn't make the postseason, but because manager Terry Francona is leaving the team. Francona, the long time manager of the Boston Red Sox, has decided that his time has come in Boston, and it's time for him to go out and find a new team. He feels that the team didn't come together when they needed to the most. Down the stretch the Sox were 7-20 the last mouth of the season. Losing a 9 game lead for the wild card to the Tampa Bay Rays. Although the Sox didn't make the postseason, the only thing I saw that needed work on was the pitching in the last 2 mouths of the season. The hitting wasn't there as well, but it didn't look half as bad as the pitching staff did in the last mouth of the regular season. I think that the team just got sloppy near the end, they could see the postseason in their sights, just couldn't quit make it there. It did, however, make for an exciting race for October coming down the stretch. Not just for the AL, but the NL as well. Both divisions had 2 teams each fighting for that last wild card spot. Now I have a theory that I know every sports analysis is saying the same exact thing, why don't we have 4 wild card teams? This wouldn't take anything away from the game, it would only add about another 2-3 weeks on the season give or take some days, and it would make the wild card race at the end just as exciting because there will be more teams fighting for the 2 spots that are open. This is a win win for everyone. More teams get to go to the postseason, and the MLB will make more money off of the games because the season will be extended longer. I really don't see any problems with this happening, and it should happen. This is what I don't get is how so many "uneducated" people can come up with these ideas, yet all the "educated professionals" that run these organizations can't figure this out. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, that not everyone is as stupid as one might think. I know I got off topic a bit there but all in all I know the feeling will be the same for Boston fans, Francona will be missed, and we all hope whoever comes in next will fill his shoes nicely.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yankees Try to Blow Game

Hey All, This is the most exciting time for baseball fans, the last day of the regular season. This year there are 4 teams fighting for the wildcard, Boston, Tampa Bay, Atlanta, and St. Louis. Boston, Tampa Bay is in fact the most exciting race out of the four teams. If New York loses and Boston win, then Boston and Tampa Bay will go to a tie breaker game, but if Boston wins and New York wins then Boston will make the postseason. What makes this exciting is that the Yankees are playing the Rays. The game was in the bottom of the 8th inning, and New York had a 7 run lead. The Yankees, who started only their relief pitchers the entire game, walked the bases loaded, hit two batters, and gave up a grand slam homerun in the same inning. This tied the game at 7-7 and I think that the Yankees are trying to blow this game, so that they Red Sox will have to go and play the tie breaker game. The Red Sox have not fared well this late in the season against the Rays, losing the series against the Rays which got them tied for the wildcard race. In the Rays and Yankees game, which went into extra innings, was fixed down till the very end by the Yankees. They weren't running hard for the ball, they weren't throwing for the outfield, just holding the ball and letting the runners advance, and didn't have any of their starting pitchers in. They ended up losing the game in extras on a walk-off single in the bottom of the 12th inning. This got the Rays into the playoffs with the Red Sox losing in the bottom of the 9th on another walk off hit, off of the arm of Papelbon which gave Baltimore the win. This, they didn't know at the time, knocked the Sox out of the postseason. I think this is bull shit that they Yankees were that scared of the Red Sox in the post season, and didn't want to play them so they through the game. I hope they get what's coming to them and get knocked out in the first round, as they should. I just hope another NL team wins the World Series so shut up the Yankees and show them how much of cowards they really are.

Monday, September 26, 2011

NASCAR Chase For the Cup

Hey All, The NASCAR Chase For the Cup is underway and has been shaking things up as of late, and what everyone expected it to be. The raining 5 time in a row champion Jimmy Johnson has not fared well in the past couple of races thus far. Finishing 18th in Sunday's race at New Hampshire, and he rounded out the top ten in last weeks race at Chicagoland Speedway. Jimmy falls to 10th in the points and things are not looking good for a sixpete for the raining champion. One driver who is catching everyone's eyes, is that of Tony Stewart. Stewart has won the first two races of the case, which puts him in first in the points race. Kevin Harvick, Brad Keselowski, and Carl Edwards are close behind him though. If he keeps racing like he is, Tony will be the one to end the run of Johnson as champion. Another driver who has had a bit of an inconsistent start is that of Dale Earnhardt Jr. He finished in 17th at New Hampshire, but last week he finished in the top 5 picking up a third place finish at Chicagoland. Jr. has gone from 3rd in the points race down to 8th in the points. Jr. needs to have solid finishes at Dover, Kansas, Charlotte, and Talladega to even have a shot at catching Tony. I can't wait to see how these drivers will fair in the rest of the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Championship.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pens Preseason Opener

Hey all, The Pittsburgh Penguins kicked off their preseason against the Detroit Red Wings last night and were victorious by a score of 3-2. The players looked good on the ice epically the new guys, who are trying to make a spot on this team. One thing that really impressed me was how Evgeni Malkin Looked while he was on the ice. Malkin was recently coming off of getting his ACL/MCL worked on over the off season.He might be #71 in your programs, but last night he was #1 in your hearts, picking up the number one star of the game. In one shift he was able to force 3 turnovers, and on one of those even turn it into a goal. The goal tending of the penguins looked even better than what they did in camps. Mark-Andre Fleury did not look good at all in camps. He was sloppy, out of sync, and just all around awful. Not last night though, even though he only played 2 periods so that the coaches could get a look at their new players to see who will make the team. My personal opinion is the youngster on the defense. Even though he is only 18 years old, I like the way he plays. You nay Sayers think about this, one Sydney Crosby was the Pens first overall pick when he was just 18 years old. Let's just hope this kid, provided he makes the team, will take after good ol' Sid the Kid. I think if they Pens play like they are now in the regular season, they will be the ones representing the east for the Stanley Cup Finals.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Conference For Two College Teams

Hey All, I know that most of you have probably heard the news that two of the Big East teams are leaving the conference for the ACC. I don't like this move because I know that these two teams, Pitt and Syracuse, are doing it because of money. Also I think that these two just think that they are the "power houses" in the Big East, and will have a better look at a bowl game if they move. Now I know they probably won't get a better bowl game, due to the fact that I don't think that they will do very good in this conference. The ACC is no give me conference, it has some tough teams in it, way tougher than that of the Big East. Some of the teams, to name a few, are; Maryland, Miami, Clemson, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Duke, Florida State, NC State, Wake Forest, and Boston College. All of these teams would crush both Pitt and Syracuse. And another thing, since they approved this move, what is going to happen with the "Back Yard Brawl"? One of the most historic rivalries in college football today is Pitt VS. WVU. This would not help the Big East ratings at all. The Big East is already a basketball conference as it is, now your taking teams out of it to move to conferences? They might as well just take the rest of the teams in the Big East and move them to other conferences, and get ride of the entire conference, for football, and just go from there. I can't wait to see how either of these teams do in their new conference, and just how next season when they move will turn out. If this is the last and final year for the "Back Yard Brawl", I am going to be one sad WVU fan.