Monday, July 25, 2011

Are You Ready For Some Football!!

Hey All,

I am so happy to be posting this one, we have football this season! It's been a long road, 133 days of a lock out, but finally they got the deal right for both sides and we get football back in our lives. The players can report as early as Wednesday for mandatory physicals by their ball clubs. The problem I have with this is: everyone knows that the players were working out on their own. It was all over the media that most of the QB's for their teams scheduled these "meetings", so that they could stay in a rhythm with the offense. These "meetings" were important to stay in shape since they were missing so much camp. I'm sure both sides of this are happy that the lock out is finally over, and they can get back to doing what they know how to do best. Today the NFL has released a full calender of how the next few weeks are going to play out, here's the link ( I feel that how they are handling the way camps are set up is a little messed up. They are only letting certain teams start camps on certain weeks. I think that they all should just be able to meet on the same week and be able to start their camps. Just because you have a late preseason game doesn't mean that you should have to start later. If we didn't have the lock out teams will all be starting to practice at the same time, so why should that change now that the lock out is over? I don't see how this is a good idea, but hey I guess that's why they make the big bucks right? I just don't get it, how is it that some small town kid from West Virginia, still in college can figure stuff like this out, but these so call "big shots" have no idea what they are doing? If anyone knows, please fill me in. All of these minor details aside, I'm excited for football. I can't wait to see where all the free agents go, how many trades are made, and where everyone will end up. This is going to be exciting 5 months of work done in a few weeks.

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