Thursday, July 21, 2011

NFL Lock Out

Hey All,

I'm really excited to be talking about some football. Given there's no games or anything like that, but the lock out is almost over. The NFLPA, the owners, and the players union are about to finish this deal. There is a conference call today for the players and the NFLPA to finalize this deal. After that they will meet tomorrow and sign on the dotted lines to make this 10 year deal and we can get back to watching the sport we all love to watch. If your like me you are tired of hearing about all the players crying about this deal and saying they don't like it. Payton Manning is one of them who is asking about free agency, when he will not even be able to attend training camp because of his neck surgery. If another kicker says something, I might just lose it. You have one job and that is to kick a ball, keep your mouth shut and agree on the deal so we can get back to football. People will complain and most are not going to be happy about this deal, but not all the players need to agree on this deal for it to be finalized. Only 50% of the players need to agree, so it looks like feelings are going to get hurt, some are going to get what they want, and we will get football back in our lives once again. With everything that has to happen, they might miss some of training camp and maybe even the Hall of Fame game. I don't see what the big deal is about missing this game. I know it's important to the players who are already in the Hall of Fame, but it's one game and it's preseason, games that don't even count. Yes, I know it gives the coaches a chance to look at their rookies, and back ups a chance to show that they can be a starter. This one game will not hurt the two teams that are in it. They will still get all of their actual preseason games in, and get the looks at those players. I just think that everyone wants to see football and the players, owners, and the NFLPA knows this. They need to make the deal and give everyone, meaning the fans, what they want.

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