Thursday, July 21, 2011

Breaking News

Hey All,

The owners of the NFL have approved the new proposed CBA. Commissioner Roger Goodell has just had a press conference telling everyone that they have come to an agreement and agreed on the CBA. This couldn't have been better timing. There will be a conference call between 32 players with the owners and the NFLPA at 8:00pm eastern time. This is under a half hour away. Now ESPN has talked to a few players to get their take and to try and see what they are going to do. The players that they talked to say that they are in no hurry to make a deal. They are going to wait until they get the perfect results. If they like what they hear with the CBA, training camps can start as of next week, Wednesday to be exact. A few things that were mentioned in the CBA are; they will be cutting rookie salaries, there is now a salary cap of $120M with a minimum of $106M that every team has to meet, there will be no more full contact two-a-days practice in training camp, this is just a few of the stipulations that are in the new CBA that will be voted on. The owners vote was 31-0 for the agreement, with the Oakland Raiders the only team opting out of voting. Since this lock out is taking as long as it has the Hall of Fame game for this coming year has been canceled. This will push the first week of preseason back to August 11-15. This is only if the players agree to the CBA. The only good news that we the fans will get once the lock out is over is; we get football back in our lives which we all need, and there will be no more labor talks in the NFL for 10 years. This brings the next time for a potential lock out through the 2020 season. I can't wait till this lock out is over, and we get back to the greatest sport in the world football.

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