Friday, July 22, 2011

Lock Out Still on For A Few More Days

Hey All,

The lock out will be on for a few more days. All that needs to happen is the players need to vote on the new CBA. The players said that they are going to go over the new agreement on Monday. I'm not sure as to why they are choosing to wait till next week to even look over the agreement. I think they are trying to play a little game of cat and mouse with the NFLPA, which is completely ridiculous if you ask me. On the other hand, the players said that once they look over the new deal, that they will vote after a few possible changes. They players received the CBA late last night and stayed up and early this morning looking over the 200+ pages that is the new CBA. Everyone keeps telling the players that they need to stay put and keep doing what they are doing. According to Baltimore Ravines running back Ray Rice said "I think that there will be football by the middle of next week." I'm hoping he is right and that by the middle of next week that we do have football back up and running. This lock out has gone on long enough, everyone is getting tired of all the talk about it, and want to get back to watching football. Some players have gone as far as tweeting their gratitude towards the fans on being so patient with all the negotiations that have happened since this lock out has started. It's good to hear that they are thinking of the fans. I just hope that motivates them in getting this deal done as Monday and we have football, because everyone needs football in their lives next season to get us through our daily lives.

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