Monday, July 11, 2011

Homerun Derby

Hey All,

The 2011 Homerun Derby was a record setting one at that. It was by far the most entertaining one I have seen. In my mind it tops the 24 first round homers in the 2007 Homerun Derby, which was close to a record but not quite there. And the man who did it, wasn't even the winner of the event. This year David Ortiz picked the best line up that anyone could have picked. The Derby came down to The Yankees and The Red Sox, how fitting. Adrian Gonzalez and Robinson Cano were the two finalist representing the AL. Both men in the second round hit 20 bombs! That's outstanding. The NL didn't fair too well against the power house that is the AL batters. Prince Fielder was the only hope for the NL to win the Derby, and I'm sorry but one man against four isn't going to be enough fire power. In the last round Gonzalez hit 11 homers, 11! That's amazing for having so many swings of a bat. Most anyone would have started to show some fatigue at this point in time; their hands would start to hurt, fingers start to tingle and just wouldn't be able to get any power on the ball. Not these two men. With Gonzalez hitting the 11 homeruns, a record tying for most HR hit in the last round of a Derby, everyone in the stadium knew that in order to win the Derby that Cano would have to break a record and hit 12. He did just that, and what made this event even more special was he had his dad pitching to him. No one could have predicted this went. The fans who were on hand for the event got their moneys worth. Not to mention that they raised a ton of money for charity, the David Ortiz Children's Fund and the Boys and Girls Club. This event was a great one over all, amazing for the kids, fans, and players who all got their moneys worth in this event, and that is what it is all about.

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